New York Times Answers - Saturday, 2nd February 1991 There are 39 across clues and 35 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Saturday, 2nd February 1991. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: War clubMACEAAcross 5: Sacred bullAPISAAcross 9: Vanzetti's friendSACCOAAcross 14: Stravinsky balletAGONAAcross 15: Something to pick?BONEAAcross 16: Jacob's eighth sonASHERAAcross 17: Giants entertain hereCANDLESTICKPARKAAcross 20: Laughter, in LyonRISAAcross 21: OtherELSEAAcross 22: Region of Saudi ArabiaASIRAAcross 23: Ready to serveON TAPAAcross 25: Once, onceERSTAAcross 27: Lower Slobbovia founderCAPPAAcross 30: CorrodeRUSTAAcross 32: Rome's Porta ___PIAAAcross 33: Corp. chairmanCEOAAcross 34: Bari is its capitalAPULIAAAcross 36: Famed Virginian's monogramRELAAcross 37: Immediately, in prescriptionsSTATAAcross 38: Elite listingsSOCIALREGISTERSAAcross 41: New Testament bookACTSAAcross 42: Court callLETAAcross 43: Not quiteNEARLYAAcross 44: Miss Piggy's favorite pronounMOIAAcross 45: Soprano SouezINAAAcross 46: Longfellow's bell townATRIAAcross 47: It's played with a plectrumASORAAcross 49: Cartoonist HulmeETTAAAcross 51: "Romola" characterTESSAAAcross 54: Dutch landscape painterNE'ERAAcross 56: Dictator's phraseINREAAcross 58: Whip a hideTANAAcross 59: What a hearty meal doesSTICKSTOTHERIBSAAcross 63: MustHASTOAAcross 64: GenuKNEEAAcross 65: Freehold unitACREAAcross 66: Play partACTIIAAcross 67: Tasmanian peakOSSAAAcross 68: To dare: Sp.OSARDDown 1: Large: Comb. formMACRODDown 2: Once moreAGAINDDown 3: Certain juristCONSTRUCTIONISTDDown 4: ObjectiveENDDDown 5: Elie of newscasting fameABELDDown 6: Hustlers after rustlersPOSSEDDown 7: What 3 Down makesINTERPRETATIONSDDown 8: Small whaleSEIDDown 9: He directed "The Odd Couple"SAKSDDown 10: Jiggly dishASPICDDown 11: TraitsCHARACTERISTICSDDown 12: Wax: Comb. formCERDDown 13: Mork's homeORKDDown 18: Seizure: Comb. formLEPSIADDown 19: West Coast island resortCATALINADDown 24: Whence Greeks sailed for TroyAULISDDown 26: Victory, to GoetheSIEGDDown 28: Very pale grayPEARLDDown 29: HopscotchPOTSYDDown 31: ScorekeepersTALLIERSDDown 34: Honshu volcanoASAMADDown 35: ___ de Caldas, Brazilian spaPOCOSDDown 37: GapeSTAREDDown 39: TearRENTDDown 40: CouchSETTEEDDown 48: Straight musclesRECTIDDown 50: Pot fillersANTESDDown 52: Native-born IsraeliSABRADDown 53: Goose genusANSERDDown 55: A Nigerian peopleEKOIDDown 57: Mother of ZeusRHEADDown 59: Indian sheepSHADDown 60: Air Force gp.TACDDown 61: Ring dec.TKODDown 62: "Kanthapura" authorRAO