New York Times Answers - Saturday, 24th December 1988 There are 40 across clues and 39 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Saturday, 24th December 1988. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Wells's collaborator on 35 DownTORMEAAcross 6: Vocal forte of 1 AcrossSCATAAcross 10: Vocal "King" who popularized 35 DownNATAAcross 13: Writer NinANAISAAcross 14: Buddhist dialectPALIAAcross 15: ShortlyANONAAcross 15: ShortlyANON.AAcross 17: PopBURSTAAcross 18: Holy figureICONAAcross 19: Japanese boxINROAAcross 20: A son of AdamSETHAAcross 21: "___ roasting on an open fire"CHESTNUTSAAcross 23: EmbankmentLEVEEAAcross 25: Seahawk defensive backEASLEYAAcross 26: Thelonious ___ Monk, memorable musicianSPHEREAAcross 29: Main street in Peyton PlaceELMAAcross 30: Anger or fervorHEATAAcross 31: Photo of sortsX-RAYAAcross 34: AcclaimECLATAAcross 39: Ta-ta in ToledoADIOSAAcross 41: BungleERRAAcross 42: Divide, as profitsSHAREAAcross 43: DonnybrookMELEEAAcross 44: U.S.A.AMERAAcross 46: Coin of OmanRIALAAcross 47: Norse goddess of healingEIRAAcross 49: Winter's stalactiteICICLEAAcross 51: Brazilian fruit palmsASSAISAAcross 55: Russian log hutsISBASAAcross 57: "___ nipping at your nose"JACK FROSTAAcross 59: Greek porticoSTOAAAcross 62: State confidentlyAVERAAcross 63: AssociateALLYAAcross 64: HoardAMASSAAcross 66: City on the TruckeeRENOAAcross 67: British Prime Minister: 1955-57EDENAAcross 68: Take to the tubBATHEAAcross 69: Kind of motherDENAAcross 70: ___-majestéLESEAAcross 71: ResourceASSETDDown 1: Actor HunterTABDDown 2: BurdenONUSDDown 3: Adjective for ceriumRAREDDown 4: " . . . a turkey and some ___"MISTLETOEDDown 5: Old Testament bookESTHERDDown 6: Little-girl ingredientSPICEDDown 7: Hiding placeCACHEDDown 8: South African succulentALOEDDown 9: Tree decoration on Dec. 25TINSELDDown 10: Dwarfs, in DunkerqueNAINSDDown 11: RevokeANNULDDown 12: Cake, in KölnTORTEDDown 16: IntrusiveNOSYDDown 22: Tones downTAMESDDown 24: NettleVEXDDown 26: CounterfeitSHAMDDown 27: Foot: Comb. formPEDEDDown 28: Storm or stone precederHAILDDown 29: Jane of fictionEYREDDown 32: Opposite of vanREARDDown 33: BranchARMDDown 35: "The ___ Song"CHRISTMASDDown 36: SecularLAICDDown 37: Soviet seaARALDDown 38: Kind of visionTELEDDown 40: "To ___ reindeer really know . . . "SEEIFDDown 45: TeaseRIBDDown 48: Jerusalem is its capitalISRAELDDown 50: MelonCASABADDown 51: Open slightlyAJARDDown 52: Recovered, in a waySAVEDDDown 53: Nativity ___ (crèche)SCENEDDown 54: Rubber center of yoreAKRONDDown 55: ___ of the BlestISLESDDown 56: Songwriter JuleSTYNEDDown 58: Antique, to ChaucerOLDEDDown 60: "Mares eat ___ . . . "OATSDDown 61: Men's Singles champ: 1968ASHEDDown 65: ImplantSET