New York Times Answers - Tuesday, 24th May 1988 There are 39 across clues and 37 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Tuesday, 24th May 1988. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: WaftWHIFFAAcross 6: CicatrixSCARAAcross 10: CobblersPIESAAcross 14: Studio standEASELAAcross 15: IrishERSEAAcross 16: Killer whaleORCAAAcross 17: MacawARARAAAcross 18: French numberCINQAAcross 19: SpreeLARKAAcross 20: Get a sound sleepRESTUPAAcross 22: Exclusive shopBOUTIQUEAAcross 24: Letters at CalvaryINRIAAcross 26: Salon specialtyTINTAAcross 27: They have listingsREALTORSAAcross 31: Subway gatesSTILESAAcross 35: French pronounELLEAAcross 36: Gloria ___PATRIAAcross 38: Film: Comb. formCINEAAcross 39: Spanish greetingALOAAcross 40: ___ a timeONEATAAcross 41: BounderCADAAcross 42: Speech problemLISPAAcross 44: High point for MosesSINAIAAcross 45: CeremonyRITEAAcross 46: Range of Minn.MESABIAAcross 48: Exercise-bike adjunctODOMETERAAcross 50: Charlie Brown's expressionRATSAAcross 52: Easy taskSNAPAAcross 53: More comelyPRETTIERAAcross 57: Purposeful gaitSTRIDEAAcross 61: Desolate, onceLORNAAcross 62: UnprejudicedOPENAAcross 64: Vacancy signTOLETAAcross 65: Ron Howard TV roleOPIEAAcross 66: Number of feline livesNINEAAcross 67: HappeningEVENTAAcross 68: Cervine creatureDEERAAcross 69: Popular Anglo-Nigerian singerSADEAAcross 70: Change colorsREDYEDDown 1: Pal of washWEARDDown 2: Hopping herbivoreHAREDDown 3: "The corn ___ high . . . "ISASDDown 4: FruitfulFERTILEDDown 5: Show offFLAUNTDDown 6: Amex overseerSECDDown 7: Place for cornCRIBDDown 8: Likely ___ (probably)ASNOTDDown 9: Formal demandsREQUISITIONSDDown 10: PrudentPOLITICDDown 11: Basra's localeIRAQDDown 12: Color of unbleached linenECRUDDown 13: Eastern beverageSAKEDDown 21: They get voted onPROPOSITIONSDDown 23: Trotyl, for shortTNTDDown 25: Tabriz nativeIRANIDDown 27: SphereREALMDDown 28: Ewing matriarchELLIEDDown 29: At ___ for wordsALOSSDDown 30: Pool memberSTENODDown 32: LegitimateLICITDDown 33: Related maternallyENATEDDown 34: Hebrew feastSEDERDDown 37: Electric catfishRAADSDDown 43: Penn, to TellerPARTNERDDown 45: ChideREPROVEDDown 47: LeatherwingBATDDown 49: Make a differenceMATTERDDown 51: Photo finishSEPIADDown 53: TrudgePLODDDown 54: Hitchcock filmROPEDDown 55: Mercyhurst College siteERIEDDown 56: TearRENDDDown 58: "___ Three Lives"ILEDDDown 59: RefuteDENYDDown 60: Small suffixETTEDDown 63: Maiden-namedNEE