New York Times Answers - Thursday, 23rd April 1987 There are 38 across clues and 35 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Thursday, 23rd April 1987. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: An N.C.O.SGTAAcross 4: Heathrow landerSSTAAcross 7: Roadside boscageSUMACAAcross 12: BourseSALEAAcross 13: NoblemanPEERAAcross 14: MudflatPLAYAAAcross 15: Agent: SuffixATORAAcross 16: Home of the HawksOMNIAAcross 17: Bird flying in Boston GardenLARRYAAcross 18: Don JuanLIBERTINEAAcross 20: Mound buildersANTSAAcross 21: OutragedIRATEAAcross 22: Like aviariesNESTYAAcross 24: Letters on a chasubleIHSAAcross 26: Jubilant oneCELEBRATORAAcross 28: IndigoANILAAcross 29: " . . . thy warfare ___": ScottO'ERAAcross 30: ObscurityNOWHEREAAcross 32: VoiceASSERTAAcross 36: Was profligateWASTEDAAcross 37: FiendishDEMONICAAcross 39: Ship-shaped table utensilNEFAAcross 40: Sun godAMONAAcross 41: Odds against this are 649,739 to 1ROYAL FLUSHAAcross 47: .001 of an inchMILAAcross 48: Novelist AubreyMENENAAcross 49: PicLANCEAAcross 50: Something hoods copPLEAAAcross 52: Jam-packedCONGESTEDAAcross 54: Common contractionARENTAAcross 55: Cannes lady friendAMIEAAcross 56: Sen. and H.R.CONGAAcross 57: Soprano LehmannLOTTEAAcross 58: DeviateVEERAAcross 59: Out of the windALEEAAcross 60: First lady in ParliamentASTORAAcross 61: U.S.N. gradENSAAcross 62: Kin of sts.RDSDDown 1: Literary genreSATIREDDown 2: WorldwideGLOBALDDown 3: CylindricalTERETEDDown 4: Ph.D. courseSEMINARDDown 5: Trumpet call at the GlobeSENNETDDown 6: Sees if a suit suitsTRIESONDDown 7: Spread outSPLAYDDown 8: ___ Bator, MongoliaULANDDown 9: DisciplinarianMARTINETDDown 10: Hardy cattle breedAYRSHIREDDown 11: IsleCAYDDown 12: Of an ancient FrankSALICDDown 13: OllaPOTDDown 19: Experiencing a new lifeREBORNDDown 23: Bricklayer's toolTROWELDDown 25: Klondike vehicleSLEDDDown 27: Withdraw, in a wayRETIREDDown 28: Contented sighsAHSDDown 31: Express vaguelyWAFFLEDDown 32: One of the SmithsADAMDDown 33: Part-timers of a sortSEMIPROSDDown 34: Humphrey Clinker's creatorSMOLLETTDDown 35: A long, long timeEONDDown 38: Like part of a circleCONCAVEDDown 39: Hyde Park denizensNANNIESDDown 42: Freeholders of yoreYEOMENDDown 43: East Indian sailorLASCARDDown 44: VastUNTOLDDDown 45: ProspectsSCENESDDown 46: Shilly-shallyHEDGEDDown 48: Agrippina, to NeroMATERDDown 51: Within: PrefixENTODDown 53: Neighbor of Aus.GERDDown 54: ___ kingALADDown 54: ___ kingALA.