New York Times Answers - Thursday, 9th April 1987 There are 36 across clues and 38 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Thursday, 9th April 1987. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Powdered starchesSAGOSAAcross 6: Mineral springSPAAAcross 9: Masters winner: 1957FORDAAcross 13: Memorable pianist Oscar ___LEVANTAAcross 14: "Le Coq ___": Rimsky-KorsakovDORAAcross 15: ___ codeAREAAAcross 16: Masters winner: 1967BREWERAAcross 17: Grapevine blight, also called black measlesAPOPLEXYAAcross 19: Six-time Masters winnerJACK NICKLAUSAAcross 21: Type of fountainSODAAAcross 22: Unpaid debtsARREARSAAcross 26: Paley's networkCBSAAcross 29: Bridge bldr.ENGRAAcross 31: J. ___ Thurmond of S.C.STROMAAcross 32: Boo attachmentHOOAAcross 33: ___ time (pronto)INNOAAcross 34: PracticalUTILEAAcross 35: Name for the MastersAUGUSTANATIONALAAcross 39: ___ and centerFRONTAAcross 40: EncircleGIRTAAcross 41: Toronto's prov.ONTAAcross 42: ___ ArdenENOCHAAcross 43: Wight is oneISLEAAcross 44: Puget and Pamlico: Abbr.SDSAAcross 45: Some Old World snipesREDLEGSAAcross 47: Villa d'___ESTEAAcross 50: Four-time Masters winnerARNOLD PALMERAAcross 55: Eliminate graduallyPHASE-OUTAAcross 55: Eliminate graduallyPHASEOUTAAcross 58: Star: Comb. formASTEROAAcross 59: Dodge City marshalEARPAAcross 60: Edge: Abbr.MRGAAcross 61: ImpassiveSTOLIDAAcross 62: Some giftsALMSAAcross 63: Host or giant followerESSAAcross 64: MailsSENDSDDown 1: Anti-infection agentsSERADDown 2: ___ plaisirAVECDDown 3: StaresGAWKSDDown 4: ___-trump (bridge bid)ONENODDown 5: RaucousSTRIDENTDDown 6: A neighbor of Minn.SDAKDDown 7: Aspen is onePOPLARDDown 8: RiotousAROARDDown 9: Artificially high voiceFALSETTODDown 10: Iron, e.g.OREDDown 10: Iron, e.g.ORE.DDown 11: Actor HarrisonREXDDown 12: "Great ___," 1929 songDAYDDown 13: J.F.K.'s successorLBJDDown 18: ChasePURSUITDDown 20: Carmine BeautyCANNADDown 23: Brazilian riverARINOSDDown 24: Legendary French heroROLANDDDown 25: Small fishSMELTSDDown 26: Variety of beetleCHAFERDDown 27: BrookBOURNEDDown 28: "You never had it ___!"SOGOODDDown 30: Ringside ringersGONGSDDown 33: "___ a doctor in the house?"ISTHEREDDown 36: OpensUNCLASPSDDown 37: Felt badAILEDDDown 38: EncroachTRESPASSDDown 43: "Little we see in Nature that ___": WordsworthISOURSDDown 46: DwarfGNOMEDDown 48: SampleTASTEDDown 49: Singer JohnELTONDDown 51: Features of elec. stormsLTGSDDown 52: Pinochle termMELDDDown 53: Goddess of discordERISDDown 54: Angler's poleRODDDown 55: Pod dwellerPEADDown 56: Actor HolbrookHALDDown 57: EquipARM