New York Times Answers - Saturday, 21st March 1987 There are 36 across clues and 38 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Saturday, 21st March 1987. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: One of the Pointer SistersANITAAAcross 6: Prefix with thesisANTIAAcross 10: Where a padlock goesHASPAAcross 14: Colo.'s Great Sand ___DUNESAAcross 15: ConvivialBOONAAcross 16: Medieval silk fabricACCAAAcross 17: Nunki and NekkarSTARSAAcross 18: CasesINSTANCESAAcross 20: UnrefinedCRUDEAAcross 22: Actress Sarah ___: 1755-1831SIDDONSAAcross 23: Look at fixedlySTAREAAcross 24: Lincoln portrayer: 1939MASSEYAAcross 25: Welk's Champagne Lady: 1955-59ALICELONAAcross 28: LandedALITAAcross 29: Utter wildlyRAVEAAcross 30: Fur-bearing animalMARTENAAcross 32: Reverential fearAWEAAcross 33: First words in GenesisINTHEAAcross 34: Chi.'s localeILLAAcross 34: Chi.'s localeILL.AAcross 37: Queen of the AdriaticVENICEAAcross 39: Snick and ___SNEEAAcross 40: Certain missiles, for shortSAMSAAcross 41: Needy peopleHAVENOTSAAcross 44: Shade of redCLARETAAcross 46: Native of KermanIRANIAAcross 47: Jean Harlow, née ___ CarpenterHARLEANAAcross 49: Angelic instrument, to HenriHARPEAAcross 50: O'Neill's "Strange ___"INTERLUDEAAcross 52: In a vertical line, at seaAPEAKAAcross 55: Vendor's placeMARTAAcross 56: FibsLIESAAcross 57: PesterTEASEAAcross 58: Jays' cousinsPIESAAcross 59: Dele that deleSTETAAcross 60: Quiver articleARROWDDown 1: Classified itemsADSDDown 2: Macadamia, e.g.NUTDDown 3: RetiredINACTIVEDDown 4: O'Hara's "From the ___"TERRACEDDown 5: Make confidentASSUREDDown 6: Nichols heroABIEDDown 7: Sine qua ___NONDDown 8: Throw lightlyTOSSDDown 9: HintINTIMATEDDown 10: Gives over, as a term paperHANDSINDDown 11: Approach abruptlyACCOSTDDown 12: DioramaSCENEDDown 13: A Nobelist for Peace: 1901PASSYDDown 19: Alan-___, Hood's friendADALEDDown 21: Shofner of football fameDEL.DDown 21: Shofner of football fameDELDDown 23: Cole ___SLAWDDown 25: Goddess of vengeanceARADDown 26: Atlanta arenaOMNIDDown 27: Of course: SlangNATCHDDown 31: Perlman of "Cheers"RHEADDown 33: Puts in placeINSTALLSDDown 34: "___ and out . . . "IN ONE EARDDown 35: Indonesian islandLETIDDown 36: Liszt's "___ Préludes"LESDDown 37: RoguesVARLETSDDown 38: Turkish titleEMEERDDown 39: Food fishSNAPPERDDown 40: "No Exit" authorSARTREDDown 42: Amtrak's Canadian cousinVIADDown 43: Printing mistakesERRATADDown 44: Jungle animal, for shortCHIMPDDown 45: Hawaiian porchLANAIDDown 48: Night, to PierreNUITDDown 49: Command, old styleHESTDDown 51: Actor Billy ___ WilliamsDEEDDown 53: Japanese national parkASODDown 54: ___ Gardens, Queens, N.Y.KEW