New York Times Answers - Friday, 13th December 1985 There are 35 across clues and 43 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Friday, 13th December 1985. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Lunar areaMAREAAcross 5: "The night ___ thousand eyes"HASAAAcross 9: OutstandingOWEDAAcross 13: ExercisedUSEDAAcross 14: Thirst and memory quencher of mythologyLETHEAAcross 15: Rating a 10?A-ONEAAcross 16: Start of a Franklin quotationTHEHEARTOFAFOOLAAcross 19: Williams or WeemsTEDAAcross 20: "___ ear . . . "INONEAAcross 21: Cotton threadLISLEAAcross 22: Actor RichardEGANAAcross 23: "___ Kapital"DASAAcross 24: Quotation: Part IIISINHISMOUTHBUTAAcross 32: ResignDEMITAAcross 33: Poison sometimes blown from gunsINEEAAcross 34: Artie's wife, onceAVAAAcross 35: ReekingOLIDAAcross 36: An anagram for traceCARETAAcross 38: Some Feds.TMENAAcross 39: Masefield heroineNANAAcross 40: PlacketSLITAAcross 41: Moroccan capitalRABATAAcross 42: Quotation: Part IIITHEMOUTHOFAWISEAAcross 46: Salt's dir.ENEAAcross 47: Famed coloraturaPONSAAcross 48: Chimp's cousinORANGAAcross 51: Kind of witATTICAAcross 53: Men or boysHESAAcross 56: End of quotationMANISINHISHEARTAAcross 59: Kett of comicsETTAAAcross 60: PerformENACTAAcross 61: Wild plumSLOEAAcross 62: SpoolREELAAcross 63: SpoilsROTSAAcross 64: ProveTESTDDown 1: Jeff's buddyMUTTDDown 2: Noted netmanASHEDDown 3: Marsh growthREEDDDown 4: Anglo-Saxon letterEDHDDown 5: Stalkers of tiny fishHERONSDDown 6: Envelope abbr.ATTNDDown 7: Brogan or sabotSHOEDDown 8: Gen. Pershing's menAEFDDown 9: PalookalikeOAFISHDDown 10: SparksWOOSDDown 11: Chemical compoundENOLDDown 12: Printing directiveDELEDDown 14: The Pineapple IsleLANAIDDown 17: OctaveEIGHTDDown 18: WingyALATEDDown 22: Arthurian lassENIDDDown 23: TwosomeDUETDDown 24: "___ Know Why," Wonder hitIDONTDDown 25: Psalms soundSELAHDDown 26: Ammonia derivativeIMINEDDown 27: HilarityMIRTHDDown 28: Romberg's "___ Kiss"ONEDDown 29: Dear deerBAMBIDDown 30: Eye partsUVEASDDown 31: Plume holder?TANTEDDown 36: Aid for SpadeCLUEDDown 37: IsletAITDDown 38: ShootersTAWSDDown 40: CarolsSONGSDDown 41: Western estateRANCHDDown 43: Low; servileMENIALDDown 44: Branch of physicsOPTICSDDown 45: Palm offFOISTDDown 48: Hebrew periodOMERDDown 49: AssessmentRATEDDown 50: StakeANTEDDown 51: Part of A.D.ANNODDown 52: Who or whichTHATDDown 53: Irwin of golfHALEDDown 54: Antony's faithful servantEROSDDown 55: Another printing directiveSTETDDown 57: Comparative endingIERDDown 58: Superlative endingEST