New York Times Answers - Monday, 10th June 1985 There are 37 across clues and 43 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Monday, 10th June 1985. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: EntanglesMATSAAcross 5: Highway stopoverMOTELAAcross 10: Thick pieceSLABAAcross 14: EmploysUSESAAcross 15: MacawARARAAAcross 16: Western IndianPIMAAAcross 17: Confusing situationTHREE-RING CIRCUSAAcross 20: Sundown, to SpenserE'ENAAcross 20: Sundown, to SpenserEENAAcross 21: L.A. problemSMOGAAcross 22: Salary increaseRAISEAAcross 23: ShortlyANONAAcross 23: ShortlyANON.AAcross 24: JoggedTROTTEDAAcross 26: Female donkeyJENNETAAcross 29: Kin of sorrelsROANSAAcross 30: Bus. school subjectECONAAcross 31: ChuckleheadedDENSEAAcross 32: Once around the trackLAPAAcross 35: Picnic eventTHREELEGGEDRACEAAcross 39: TurfSODAAcross 40: City near Dayton, OhioXENIAAAcross 41: Prepare for printingEDITAAcross 42: Natives of DundeeSCOTSAAcross 43: Knights' horsesSTEEDSAAcross 45: Accomplishes a goalATTAINSAAcross 48: Property conveyanceDEEDAAcross 49: TwitTAUNTAAcross 50: UncommonRAREAAcross 51: PermitLETAAcross 54: Certain garb for menTHREEPIECESUITSAAcross 58: Physicists' particlesIONSAAcross 59: ForeignALIENAAcross 60: BristleSETAAAcross 61: "___ la vie"CESTAAcross 62: Past or presentTENSEAAcross 63: E. German riverODERDDown 1: SilentMUTEDDown 2: Arthur of tennisASHEDDown 3: Sea swallowTERNDDown 4: Compass dir.SSEDDown 5: Burrowing rodentMARMOTDDown 6: Constellation east of TaurusORIONDDown 7: Spicy tasteTANGDDown 8: Work unitERGDDown 9: Varnish ingredientLACDDown 10: Young herringsSPRATSDDown 11: LawfulLICITDDown 12: EntertainAMUSEDDown 13: FoundedBASEDDDown 18: Domestic slave of yoreESNEDDown 19: Smoothed overIRONEDDDown 23: She of the "thousand days"ANNEDDown 24: Kingdom in the PacificTONGADDown 25: Flatten a Soho flatRASEDDown 26: Super Bowl winners in 1969JETSDDown 27: Canyon phenomenonECHODDown 28: North, in NiceNORDDDown 29: Actor ToomeyREGISDDown 31: Marks on old potsDENTSDDown 32: Take on cargoLADEDDown 33: SourACIDDDown 34: Dogs and cats, e.g.PETSDDown 36: ArouseEXCITEDDown 37: TrotskyLEONDDown 38: Tall grassREEDDDown 42: Most reasonableSANESTDDown 43: UncloudedSERENEDDown 44: Golf moundsTEESDDown 45: GarretATTICDDown 46: Lake near RenoTAHOEDDown 47: RevolutionsTURNSDDown 48: Small fishesDACESDDown 50: Harness componentREINDDown 51: PrevaricatedLIEDDDown 52: Diminutive suffixETTEDDown 53: Former Russian rulerTSARDDown 55: Touch lightlyPATDDown 56: ___ de FranceILEDDown 57: Gp. serving the servicesUSO