New York Times Answers - Monday, 14th January 1985 There are 37 across clues and 39 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Monday, 14th January 1985. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: ___ MajorURSAAAcross 5: In excessEXTRAAAcross 10: ___ materALMAAAcross 14: Get one's goatRILEAAcross 15: DangerPERILAAcross 16: Roulette bet at Monte CarloNOIRAAcross 17: ExpensiveDEARAAcross 18: LoathsomeABOMINABLEAAcross 20: Not importantUNVALUEDAAcross 22: PatternsMODELSAAcross 23: SoapstoneTALCAAcross 24: Assign by measureMETEAAcross 25: Clean upPOLICEAAcross 28: DecryMINIMIZEAAcross 32: Metallic elementIRONAAcross 33: Italian provinceTRENTOAAcross 35: Old horseNAGAAcross 36: Old horsesPLUGSAAcross 38: Cheer in CuernavacaOLEAAcross 39: Low pointNADIRAAcross 41: Goddess of dawnEOSAAcross 42: Woolen fabricANGORAAAcross 45: CertainSUREAAcross 46: PlausibleSPECIOUSAAcross 48: Writer Ortega y ___GASSETAAcross 50: OtherELSEAAcross 51: EvergreenPINEAAcross 52: Queen Anne's lace, e.g.CARROTAAcross 55: Containers for lubricantsOILDRUMSAAcross 59: Strong aversionABHORRENCEAAcross 61: Chamber-music ensembleTRIOAAcross 62: Comic-strip heroTEENAAcross 63: OrdinaryUSUALAAcross 64: Elbe feederEGERAAcross 65: BlackthornSLOEAAcross 66: UntidyMESSYAAcross 67: DepressionDENTDDown 1: An Indic languageURDUDDown 2: Nothing, in NiceRIENDDown 3: Eastern EuropeanSLAVDDown 4: Making effervescentAERATINGDDown 5: Shoulder ornamentEPAULETDDown 6: Mediterranean sailing shipXEBECDDown 7: TrampledTRODDDown 8: EdgeRIMDDown 9: NourishmentALIMENTDDown 10: GarlandANADEMDDown 11: Ear partLOBEDDown 12: FactoryMILLDDown 13: God of warARESDDown 19: BrainstormNOTIONDDown 21: Resinous substanceLACDDown 24: SapperMINERDDown 25: Pan's appurtenancesPIPESDDown 26: Lowest deckORLOPDDown 27: "To a ___," Burns poemLOUSEDDown 28: Greek islandMELOSDDown 29: A southern constellationINDUSDDown 30: A neighbor of SudanZAIREDDown 31: Plumed heronEGRETDDown 34: PicaroonROGUEDDown 37: MarinerSAILORDDown 40: Made a statementASSERTEDDDown 43: Quack medicineNOSTRUMDDown 44: With legerityAGILELYDDown 47: Rick the catcherCERONEDDown 49: Computer gateANDDDown 51: Type sizesPICASDDown 52: Broadway musicalCATSDDown 53: Explorer TasmanABELDDown 54: Flow: Comb. formRHEODDown 55: BurdenONUSDDown 56: ExhortURGEDDown 57: DeportmentMIENDDown 58: Separate carefullySORTDDown 60: Compass dir.ESE