New York Times Answers - Sunday, 12th August 1984 There are 65 across clues and 78 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Sunday, 12th August 1984. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Augusta inviteeMASTERAAcross 7: Dijon dessertsTARTESAAcross 13: Gabor and LupescuMAGDASAAcross 19: Performs a canticleINTONESAAcross 21: LotsOCEANSAAcross 22: Old style love songAMORETAAcross 23: Pitting machinesSTONERSAAcross 24: What a candy farmer can doMILK CHOCOLATEAAcross 26: What a Persian outfielder can doSHAGRUGSAAcross 28: Female rabbitDOEAAcross 29: FurbishRENEWAAcross 30: AvailableON TAPAAcross 32: Teacher of GuarnieriAMATIAAcross 35: SaunterAMBLEAAcross 38: Russian writer EhrenburgILYAAAcross 42: What an aerial broker can doTRADEWINDSAAcross 45: ___ Tafari (Haile Selassie)RASAAcross 46: Challenge to climbersMASSIFAAcross 49: Helps on 46 AcrossCOLSAAcross 50: "A short madness": HoraceANGERAAcross 51: Calvin followerISTAAcross 52: What the meat tailor didPRESSEDHAMAAcross 54: Author RandAYNAAcross 55: "Too ___ be true"GOODTOAAcross 57: Arens or HerzogISRAELIAAcross 58: American muralistAHLAAcross 60: "___ body meet a body . . . ": J.C. CrossIFAAAcross 62: Literary strifeAGONAAcross 63: Emulate MagnumDETECTAAcross 66: Father of TheseusAEGEUSAAcross 68: "Myth of Hercules" painterRENIAAcross 69: Footlike partPESAAcross 72: What an underwater gunner can doSHELLFISHAAcross 74: Monsarrat's "The Cruel ___"SEAAAcross 75: Singer CantrellLANAAAcross 77: ___ clay (frailty)FEETOFAAcross 78: Costly strings, for shortSTRADSAAcross 82: Historic periodsERASAAcross 83: Northumberland riverALNAAcross 84: Anchor tackleCATAAcross 86: EnlightenEDUCATEAAcross 90: Mariachi mavenALPERTAAcross 92: TypeILKAAcross 94: What an orchestral trapper can doSNAREDRUMSAAcross 97: Imogene's co-starSIDAAcross 98: Basket fiberISTLEAAcross 100: Newman or WhitemanPAULAAcross 101: ___ a pinNEATASAAcross 102: Auction enderE'ERAAcross 103: What a fish organizer can doPOOLSHARKSAAcross 105: Player who cuts the cardsPONEAAcross 106: FestoonDRAPEAAcross 108: Contact-restoring deviceRESETAAcross 109: Lady of a 1932 hit songEADIEAAcross 113: Kind of jib or salamiGENOAAAcross 115: AccouterARMAAcross 117: What a judge can do in a saloonBARFLIESAAcross 122: What a fruit squeezer can doCHOKECHERRIESAAcross 127: Glacial depositMORAINEAAcross 128: Lady of LéridaSENORAAAcross 129: Dimes, quarters, etc.SPECIEAAcross 130: Burr and Hamilton, e.g.ENEMIESAAcross 131: LevyASSESSAAcross 132: Bara, Pringle et al.SIRENSAAcross 133: Adorn leatherworkEMBOSSDDown 1: Liberty or AmericaMISSDDown 1: Liberty or AmericaMISS.DDown 2: Literary coll.ANTHDDown 3: Periclean promenadeSTOADDown 4: Chinese fraternityTONGDDown 5: Part of inviernoENERODDown 6: "M*A*S*H" episode, nowRERUNDDown 7: Fun-loving Rover BoyTOMDDown 8: Kind of rainACIDDDown 9: Inserts a fresh clipRELOADSDDown 10: "___ to your leader"TAKEMEDDown 11: Abbr. with a checkENCDDown 12: Admonition to a cinema gabberSSHDDown 13: Nutmeg spiceMACEDDown 14: Eavesdropper in Act III of "Aïda"AMONASRODDown 15: AutomatonGOLEMDDown 16: What an art engineer can doDRAWBRIDGESDDown 17: Biog. note for PlutarchAETDDown 18: Anne or Geneviève: Abbr.STEDDown 20: Upper-rank NCOSSGTDDown 25: Joint-sealing gasketO RINGDDown 27: Ex-basketballer SandersSATCHDDown 31: Malay sailerPROADDown 33: Entitled to putt firstAWAYDDown 34: Most unmusicalTINNIESTDDown 36: "___ in is a rotten egg"LASTONEDDown 37: Locale of Tartu and PärnuESTONIADDown 38: African warrior unitIMPIDDown 39: Gibbons of MalayLARSDDown 40: North Sea feederYSERDDown 41: No. 1 DamasceneASSADDDown 43: Miss Rubens of the silentsALMADDown 44: Painter of the balletDEGASDDown 47: Thoughtful phraseISEEDDown 48: PerceivedFELTDDown 53: Kind of fuelDIESELDDown 54: Beth's precederALEFDDown 56: Crab catcherOARDDown 59: "___ loaf is better . . . "HALFADDown 61: TyrantFUHRERDDown 64: Bedspread fabricCHENILLEDDown 65: Offensive in 1968 newsTETDDown 67: Pvt. and cpl., e.g.GISDDown 69: GratifiedPLEASEDDDown 70: PreviouslyEARLIERDDown 71: What a monstrous photographer can doSNAPDRAGONSDDown 73: Cowlick, e.g.LOCKDDown 76: EnzymeASEDDown 77: Borgnine movie roleFATSODDown 79: Yemeni seaportADENDDown 80: Toff, U.S. styleDUDEDDown 81: DiscardSCRAPDDown 85: AutocratTSARDDown 87: Erskine or DurantAUTODDown 88: D.C. agentT-MANDDown 89: Sum, ___, fui . . .ESSEDDown 91: Maturative agentsRIPENERSDDown 93: MinusLESSDDown 95: SANE concernNUKEDDown 96: Preakness winner: 1942ALSABDDown 99: O.T. first fiveTORAHDDown 100: Munsel or LumumbaPATRICEDDown 104: AuditorHEARERDDown 107: Sri Lanka exportPEKOEDDown 110: ___ Joan SutherlandDAMEDDown 111: Perfume ingredientIRONEDDown 112: Violinist ZimbalistEFREMDDown 114: Wood sorrelsOCASDDown 116: Chow or lo ___MEINDDown 118: Paschal ___LAMBDDown 119: Year in Louis the Fat's reignIIIODDown 120: Endings for ethyl and butylENESDDown 121: Org. meetingSESSDDown 122: Monogram of 1861CSADDown 123: "For ___ a jolly good . . . "HESDDown 124: Ar–tee connectionESSDDown 125: Initials at Troy, N.Y.RPIDDown 126: French possessiveSES