New York Times Answers - Sunday, 25th March 1984 There are 70 across clues and 72 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Sunday, 25th March 1984. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Crèche settingSTABLEAAcross 7: Pol. union: 1958–61UARAAcross 10: Diamond itemSLABAAcross 14: Paleozoic or VictorianERAAAcross 17: Ill willHATREDAAcross 18: Hoopsters' orgNBAAAcross 19: Half a seaport namePAGOAAcross 20: Skin flickNUDIEAAcross 23: Make the sceneARRIVEAAcross 24: 007's protectionSECURITYOFBONDAAcross 27: Finger-bowl accessoryDOILYAAcross 28: An A.F.C. playerSTEELERAAcross 29: 506, to NeroDVIAAcross 30: Author Santha Rama ___RAUAAcross 31: Etc. kinET ALAAcross 31: Etc. kinET AL.AAcross 32: Debussy's "La ___"MERAAcross 33: JumbleMESSAAcross 35: In full courtENBANCAAcross 37: QuarantineISOLATEAAcross 41: MiscalculateERRAAcross 43: Pierre's guardianANGEAAcross 44: Ezra's meterBEATOFPOUNDAAcross 48: Went over galley proofsREDACTEDAAcross 50: Battle standardBANNERAAcross 51: Archie's mouthTRAPOFBUNKERAAcross 53: Like lawmakersENACTIVEAAcross 56: Klemperer and KrugerOTTOSAAcross 57: Brain tracing, for shortEEGAAcross 58: Taunt; jeerGIBEAAcross 59: Present timesNOWSAAcross 61: Beethoven's Ninth, e.g.SYMAAcross 62: Twist; squeezeWRINGAAcross 66: City ESE of BergenOSLOAAcross 67: JollityGLEEAAcross 68: Sound measurePHONAAcross 72: It followed "Typee"OMOOAAcross 73: Shoplifter's crimeTHEFTAAcross 75: It's concerned with rtes.AAAAAcross 78: LagomorphHAREAAcross 79: ___ no goodUP TOAAcross 80: FixedSETAAcross 82: Oak treeROBLEAAcross 84: Actor-singer HarvePRESNELLAAcross 86: ComedySPHEREOFBALLAAcross 90: Moore of "Arthur" fameDUDLEYAAcross 91: Activity of some demonsSPEEDINGAAcross 92: "Fire and Ice," e.g.RIMEOFFROSTAAcross 95: "Rule, Britannia" composerARNEAAcross 96: BishopricSEEAAcross 97: Fall, as the marketSELL OFFAAcross 97: Fall, as the marketSELLOFFAAcross 98: One of the finchesLINNETAAcross 100: Dick or SchickTESTAAcross 104: Buzzing insectDORAAcross 105: GloryFAMEAAcross 109: Bull ___, Citation's sireLEAAAcross 110: "We ___ robbed!": Joe JacobsWASAAcross 112: Dress materialETAMINEAAcross 115: OPEC vesselOILERAAcross 116: What a "midnight ride" horse earnedESTEEMOFREVEREAAcross 119: Mountain crestsARETESAAcross 120: Dexter, e.g.STEERAAcross 121: Braves' pitcher of yoreSAINAAcross 122: MacLaine, to BeattySISAAcross 123: "Honor Thy Father" authorTALESEAAcross 124: ___ PlainesDESAAcross 125: Mountain: Comb. formOREOAAcross 126: ThickwitASSAAcross 127: Guitarist SegoviaANDRESDDown 1: Reduce price a bitSHADEDDown 2: Seeress's cardTAROTDDown 3: Trajan's courtyardsATRIADDown 4: Fulton's oratoryBRILLIANCEOFSHEENDDown 5: Impose a taxLEVYDDown 6: Netherlands townEDEDDown 7: Take off a beltUNSTRAPDDown 8: Busy as ___ABEEDDown 9: "The ___ is to the swift"RACEDDown 10: BenderSPREEDDown 11: Resting places for LeoLAIRSDDown 12: Ins. salesman, e.g.AGTDDown 13: He played CassidyBOYDDDown 14: Finally, in FranceENFINDDown 15: ChafeRUBDDown 16: Iglesia attendeeADORANTEDDown 21: "Look Back ___": OsborneINANGERDDown 22: Drew outEDUCEDDDown 25: City in Baden-WürttembergULMDDown 26: Late, as a trainOVERDUEDDown 28: ___-portraitSELFDDown 32: Harbor activityMOORINGDDown 34: HelotsSERFSDDown 36: Sally's childhood environmentBACKGROUNDOFFIELDDDown 38: Printer's termSTETDDown 39: Add upTOTDDown 40: Prefix for dollarsEURODDown 42: Jewish complimentary titleREBDDown 44: ExileBANISHDDown 45: Make possibleENABLEDDown 46: Former A.L. teamNATSDDown 47: Sheriff's rep.DPTYDDown 49: Once moreANEWDDown 50: SiredBEGOTDDown 52: PizazzOOMPHDDown 54: One of a Tenn. elevenVOLDDown 55: Homophone for youEWEDDown 60: ___ TranquillitySEAOFDDown 63: Starts rollingIMPELSDDown 64: "I will ___ thee go . . .": Gen. 32:26NOTLETDDown 65: Aussie's stoneGOOLYDDown 69: Henry Harley Arnold's sobriquetHAPDDown 70: Ice-hockey greatORRDDown 71: "I have no ___ tongue": RoethkeNEEDFORDDown 74: ___ off (irate)TEEDDDown 76: 47 Down is oneABBRDDown 77: Jai ___ALAIDDown 81: Hero of an Old French romanceTRISTAMDDown 82: Thesaurus nameROGETDDown 83: Guernsey and JerseyELMSDDown 85: Sea swellSURFDDown 86: Most agileSPRIESTDDown 87: FeatheredPENNATEDDDown 88: Ending for ethylENEDDown 89: Appomattox figureLEEDDown 91: Rooms, in LyonSALLESDDown 93: Age; antiquityOLDNESSDDown 94: Expanse of iceFLOEDDown 99: Water pitchersEWERSDDown 101: SpookishEERIEDDown 102: Pool personSTENODDown 103: Hebrew letterTAVDDown 106: Change; varyALTERDDown 107: Presidential adviserMEESEDDown 108: Irish GaelicsERSESDDown 111: Fair-to-middlingSO-SODDown 113: ___ Verde National ParkMESADDown 114: Goddess of the rainbowIRISDDown 115: Algerian seaportORANDDown 117: Shoe widthEEEDDown 118: Word with East or WestFARDDown 119: ___ standstillATA