New York Times Answers - Saturday, 24th December 1983 There are 39 across clues and 40 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Saturday, 24th December 1983. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Grid scoresTDSAAcross 4: Former Iranian leaderSHAHAAcross 8: "There is nothing like ___"ADAMEAAcross 13: Freshen (up)PERKAAcross 14: RemedyCUREAAcross 15: LawmakerSOLONAAcross 16: Start of a seasonal songSLEIGHBELLSRINGAAcross 19: Like AmorALATEAAcross 20: " . . . ___ Bethlehem"COMEYETOAAcross 21: Dickens's "Carol" boyTIMAAcross 22: Lat. list-enderET ALAAcross 22: Lat. list-enderET AL.AAcross 24: EstuaryARMAAcross 25: Jack Frost's touchNIPAAcross 27: "Do not ___ till Dec. 25"OPENAAcross 29: "___ boy!"ITSAAAcross 33: Elf's cousinGNOMEAAcross 35: Not like the pre-ghosts ScroogeSOFTAAcross 38: Solo of "Star Wars"HANAAcross 39: Good health habitsHYGIENEAAcross 41: SavageVIOLENTAAcross 43: Late actor Jack ___SOOAAcross 44: Draco bodyADIBAAcross 46: Oven stufferROASTAAcross 47: ClusterTUFTAAcross 49: TidingsNEWSAAcross 51: Body blueprint, for shortDNAAAcross 52: UncookedRAWAAcross 55: Wall sheathingLATHAAcross 57: Wood sorrelOCAAAcross 59: Start of a carolOCOMEALLAAcross 62: WhimpersMEWLSAAcross 64: See 2 DownAWHITECHRISTMASAAcross 66: "Jerusalem" authorBLAKEAAcross 67: Troupe's tripTOURAAcross 68: TightTAUTAAcross 69: "___ Is Born"ASTARAAcross 70: Crèche site, at timesAPSEAAcross 71: Opp. of ques.ANSDDown 1: " . . . better not pout, I'm ___ why"TELLINGYOUDDown 2: "I'm ___" (with 64 Across, start of a Berlin classic)DREAMINGOFDDown 3: Variety-show pieceSKITDDown 4: Prep. or elem.SCHDDown 5: Wheel coverHUBCAPDDown 6: Small cavitiesAREOLESDDown 7: Ship's wheelHELMDDown 8: Semitic lang.ASSYRDDown 9: Slangy stocking stufferDOREMIDDown 10: LandedALITDDown 11: Prefix with plane or toneMONODDown 12: Where to have a merrie hol.ENGDDown 13: High-school jrs.' examPSATDDown 17: Whizzer's word?GEEDDown 18: MeadowLEADDown 23: "The war ___ all wars"TOENDDDown 26: Oahu foodPOIDDown 28: A Christmas-shopping mo.NOVDDown 30: Epithet for FrostyTHESNOWMANDDown 31: Kris KringleSANTA CLAUSDDown 32: Tiny colonistANTDDown 34: "Give ___ little kiss . . . "MEADDown 36: "The ___ Noel"FIRSTDDown 37: ExcessivelyTOODDown 39: Fair Deal Pres.HSTDDown 40: One, in BerlinEINDDown 42: Terhune canineLADDDown 45: Hotel employeeBELLHOPDDown 48: Trinity, in RussiaTROIKADDown 50: Mustached mammalWALRUSDDown 53: Counties, in DenmarkAMTERDDown 54: TinyWEEDDown 56: "___ Pinafore"HMSDDown 58: Aide for a D.A.ASSTDDown 59: HootersOWLSDDown 60: Fireside ___CHATDDown 61: "___ Sanctorum"ACTADDown 63: Singer JamesETTADDown 64: Desert coatABADDown 65: Leprechaun's land: Abbr.IRE