New York Times Answers - Sunday, 3rd July 1983 There are 71 across clues and 71 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Sunday, 3rd July 1983. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Sailors' saintELMOAAcross 5: Warp yarnABBAAcross 8: Part of R.S.V.P.SILAAcross 11: Draw outEDUCEAAcross 16: ForeignALIENAAcross 17: $5 billVEEAAcross 18: Chemical suffixENEAAcross 19: ShadowboxedSPARREDAAcross 21: TuskincisorCLENCHEDTEETHAAcross 24: Presidential hopefulMONDALEAAcross 25: SesameTILAAcross 26: Vega's constellationLYRAAAcross 27: RaymondKellySPLICEDGENESAAcross 29: ThrowshagHOOKEDRUGSAAcross 32: Inspires wonderAWESAAcross 33: A GershwinIRAAAcross 34: BraceTWOAAcross 35: Midianite kingREBAAAcross 36: Loam depositLOESSAAcross 39: ___ Shams University, in CairoAINAAcross 40: Fill the basesLOADAAcross 42: London insurance companyLLOYDSAAcross 44: Used a doryBOATEDAAcross 47: British statesman and familyBEVANSAAcross 50: Clare Boothe and HenryLUCESAAcross 51: BeatsPULSESAAcross 52: Rub cleanERASEAAcross 53: PlatterdiskSTUCKRECORDSAAcross 56: Ho of HawaiiDONAAcross 57: Shallow-draft vesselSHARPIEAAcross 59: Profit's oppositeLOSSAAcross 60: Blind as ___ABATAAcross 64: Same, to SenecaIDEMAAcross 66: Three-time champALIAAcross 67: Rickover was one: Abbr.ADMAAcross 69: Book by Dos PassosU.S.A.AAcross 69: Book by Dos PassosUSAAAcross 70: Korean border riverYALUAAcross 71: ___ Verde National ParkMESAAAcross 72: Cornea irritantMOTEAAcross 74: Barrel-binding groupHOOPERSAAcross 77: Sohrab, to RustumSONAAcross 78: DynegravityJOINEDFORCESAAcross 81: Straighten ranksA-LINEAAcross 81: Straighten ranksALINEAAcross 83: Aaron specialtiesCLOUTSAAcross 85: "___ Chan," T. N. Page bookMARSEAAcross 86: "___ Restaurant"ALICESAAcross 87: Hilliard-Mann song: 1950DEARIEAAcross 88: Weedy rye grassDARNELAAcross 89: FedsGMENAAcross 90: Blotter targetINKAAcross 91: Siberian holesMINESAAcross 92: Grim Grimm characterOGREAAcross 94: Rheine's riverEMSAAcross 97: Memphis-to-Mobile dir.SSEAAcross 98: Mil. unitsRGTSAAcross 100: CarbonironSTEELUNIONAAcross 103: BeannoodleBUMPINGHEADSAAcross 108: Diamond from BrooklynNEILAAcross 109: One of a comic trioMOEAAcross 110: Small spacesAREOLAEAAcross 111: CarrySenecasUNITED NATIONSAAcross 114: Pipe smokers' devicesREAMERSAAcross 115: ___ Tin TinRINAAcross 116: Cat has one to crossTEEAAcross 117: Makes an incised markRASESAAcross 118: Dates set for attacksDDAYSAAcross 119: Bullring shoutOLEAAcross 120: Slip upERRAAcross 121: PteroidALARDDown 1: Win ___, former radio emceeELLIOTDDown 2: Stay in hidingLIE LOWDDown 3: Kingsley's "___ in White"MENDDown 4: "Mon ___," Tati filmONCLEDDown 5: DeclaredAVERREDDDown 6: SmearBEDAUBDDown 7: Big A ventureBETDDown 8: Trickle throughSEEPDDown 9: Worldwide: Abbr.INTLDDown 10: City near Utah LakeLEHIDDown 11: Pindar's last stanza, e.g.EPODEDDown 12: Euphemistic expletivesDANGSDDown 13: Like some heraldic crossesURDEDDown 14: Having a skullCRANIATEDDown 15: Where congers congregateEELERIESDDown 16: Pituitary-gland hormoneACTHDDown 19: MergansersSMEWSDDown 20: Rid of gritDESANDDDown 22: Freshwater polypsHYDRASDDown 23: Hairpin turnESSDDown 28: Squire in "Silas Marner"CASSDDown 30: Trees bearing valuable nutsKOLASDDown 31: Pollster of noteGALLUPDDown 36: SaxantlerLOCKEDHORNSDDown 37: ___ and terminerOYERDDown 38: Ford's lemonEDSELDDown 41: A sawbuck has 10ONESDDown 43: St. ___ (Windward island)LUCIADDown 44: College treasurerBURSARDDown 45: OutwornOLDDDown 46: Ore analysisASSAYDDown 47: ObscureBEDIMDDown 48: Wear awayERODEDDown 49: Roosters on spiresVANESDDown 51: Peace officers, oater stylePOSSESDDown 53: Arty partiesSALONSDDown 54: Like a clichéTRITEDDown 55: Creamy dessertCOUPEDDown 58: Tuareg or BerberHAMITEDDown 61: FundamentalBASICDDown 62: Byrd bookALONEDDown 63: Cahn-Styne productsTUNESDDown 65: Barbara or HoopleMAJORDDown 68: Common codeMORSEDDown 73: He wrote "Philosopher's Holiday"EDMANDDown 75: Black-spotted catOCELOTDDown 76: Event on G.W.'s birthdaySALEDDown 79: Quebec affirmativeOUIDDown 80: DietFAREDDown 82: Material from flaxLINENDDown 83: Showed disapprovalCENSUREDDDown 84: Hoover Dam formationLAKE MEADDDown 86: Novel by FieldingAMELIADDown 87: Expel a lawyerDISBARDDown 88: Spode pieceDISHDDown 89: Like some pasturesGREENERDDown 91: F.H.A. concernsMTGESDDown 93: Neuter, for oneGENDERDDown 95: The sensitive plantMIMOSADDown 96: Squatter in 1889SOONERDDown 98: The Hoosier poetRILEYDDown 99: Growls from FidoGNARSDDown 100: J.F.K. sightSSTDDown 101: ExcessiveULTRADDown 102: Stack TV roleNESSDDown 104: Fruits for VirgilPOMADDown 105: Kind of dollarEURODDown 106: IndigoANILDDown 107: Eat in styleDINEDDown 112: Juin, juillet et aoûtETEDDown 113: Suffix with baron or manorIAL