New York Times Answers - Saturday, 18th July 1981 There are 35 across clues and 40 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Saturday, 18th July 1981. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Touch uponABUTAAcross 5: DiscardSCRAPAAcross 10: Mine accessADITAAcross 14: Bonheur or RaisaROSAAAcross 15: UnwriteERASEAAcross 16: Dust-upTO-DOAAcross 17: "Tobacco Road" authorERSKINE CALDWELLAAcross 20: " . . . the sweet ___ of books": LongfellowSERENITYAAcross 21: LetLEASEDAAcross 22: OxfordSHOEAAcross 23: Bitter, in BordeauxAMERAAcross 24: Hood's roscoeHEATERAAcross 27: DecampedFLEDAAcross 28: Small drinkSIPAAcross 31: GaffeERRORAAcross 32: PonderMULLAAcross 33: ___ contendereNOLOAAcross 34: "Bellefleur" authorJOYCE CAROL OATESAAcross 37: Andreanof islandADAKAAcross 38: Trumpeter AlHIRTAAcross 39: ___ Oro, in NW AfricaRIODEAAcross 40: Buddhist sectZENAAcross 41: ForswearDENYAAcross 42: VexedGALLEDAAcross 43: Center of activityHIVEAAcross 44: TopersSOTSAAcross 45: EmergeAPPEARAAcross 48: ShoneSTOODOUTAAcross 52: "Jane Eyre" authorCHARLOTTE BRONTEAAcross 54: BrozTITOAAcross 55: Nary a soulNOONEAAcross 56: Opposite of addictWEANAAcross 57: Luge or cutterSLEDAAcross 58: FlavorSAPORAAcross 59: Okinawa portNAHADDown 1: Metric land unitsARESDDown 2: ButtonholerBOREDDown 3: U.N. powerUSSRDDown 4: Conduct an inventoryTAKE STOCKDDown 5: DoyenSENIORDDown 6: Candia's isleCRETEDDown 7: RisquéRACYDDown 8: ___ ruleASADDown 9: HeadlongPELL-MELLDDown 9: HeadlongPELLMELLDDown 10: EmbattledATWARDDown 11: "___ eat oats . . . "DOESDDown 12: ShiftlessIDLEDDown 13: BlabbedTOLDDDown 18: BelongINHEREDDown 19: ExploitDEEDDDown 23: MeteALLOTDDown 24: Mecca's regionHEJAZDDown 25: UndercutERODEDDown 26: Indo-IranianARYANDDown 27: Like some animalsFURRYDDown 28: Yuccalike plantSOTOLDDown 29: ___ France (former name of Mauritius)ILEDEDDown 30: Watched the birdiePOSEDDDown 32: Where Mt. Katahdin towersMAINEDDown 33: Fastens firmlyNAILSDOWNDDown 35: Noncom's prideCHEVRONSDDown 36: SpellbinderORATORDDown 41: Adjust the radioDIALDDown 42: PeanutGOOBERDDown 43: He imprisoned St. PeterHERODDDown 44: Exec's employeeSTENODDown 45: Quintet in Gounod's "Faust"ACTSDDown 46: Comedian SilversPHILDDown 47: Canapé toppingPATEDDown 48: SuppressSTOPDDown 49: Draft statusONEADDown 50: What Deseret becameUTAHDDown 51: Shoe sizeTENADDown 53: ___ man (unanimously)TOA