New York Times Answers - Sunday, 1st June 1980 There are 72 across clues and 72 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Sunday, 1st June 1980. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Religious executiveABBESSAAcross 7: Small handbillFLIERAAcross 12: DiminishedABATEDAAcross 18: Kind of sheet or pressCOOKIEAAcross 19: ImmediatelyPRESTOAAcross 20: Amplifiers of electromagnetic wavesLASERSAAcross 21: Semior citizensELDERSAAcross 22: ShamesABASHESAAcross 24: ShiningLUCENTAAcross 25: UtterSAYAAcross 26: N.A. IndiansUTESAAcross 28: Culprits, in CalabriaREIAAcross 29: Region, to RenéCLIMATAAcross 31: Fast long-run carrierSUPERSONICTRANSPORTAAcross 37: Living quarters: Abbr.APTSAAcross 39: Ingredient of pepper potTRIPEAAcross 40: CockleOASTAAcross 41: Chinese pagodaTAAAAcross 42: One of the YugoslavsCROATAAcross 44: PublicOVERTAAcross 46: Bullfinch specialtyMYTHAAcross 47: Long run on BroadwayHAIRAAcross 48: Army missileROCAAcross 49: More competentABLERAAcross 51: Bulgarian weightOKEAAcross 53: Bone marrowMEDULLAAAcross 55: An AmerindESKIMOAAcross 57: Assyrian war godASURAAcross 59: "Spirit of '76" musicianFIFERAAcross 60: VertexesAPICESAAcross 61: Humane soc.ASPCAAAcross 62: VerveELANAAcross 63: Montemezzi's "L'Amore dei ___ Re"TREAAcross 66: Littler or WilderGENEAAcross 67: Kitchen meas.TBSAAcross 69: Famed physicist: 1787–1854OHMAAcross 70: Moon buggyLEMAAcross 71: Ark passengerSHEMAAcross 72: Part of a jouleERGAAcross 73: Ancient marinerNOAHAAcross 74: Perfect paradigmIDEALAAcross 76: HinderIMPEDEAAcross 78: FeelSENSEAAcross 79: DesolateLORNAAcross 80: SecularsLAYMENAAcross 81: Highly agreeableWELCOMEAAcross 84: Compass pt.SSWAAcross 85: Squirrels' nestsDRAYSAAcross 88: Brit. lexiconO.E.D.AAcross 88: Brit. lexiconOEDAAcross 89: Mine, in MarseilleAMOIAAcross 90: Father in ArabiaABOUAAcross 92: NostrilsNARESAAcross 94: FrothSPUMEAAcross 96: ContractionTICAAcross 97: Hogarth subjectRAKEAAcross 98: NudniksPESTSAAcross 100: Sputnik's bpl.USSRAAcross 101: Long run in the NorthTRANS-ALASKA PIPELINEAAcross 107: With great tensionTAUTLYAAcross 108: A followerONEAAcross 109: PressIRONAAcross 110: Unpopular billTWOAAcross 113: "___ of Sundays": UpdikeAMONTHAAcross 115: Radar deviceSCANNERAAcross 118: WorsePOORERAAcross 120: Horn: Comb. formCERATOAAcross 121: Would-be frat memberPLEDGEAAcross 122: Ultimate conclusionEND-ALLAAcross 123: King of MoroccoHASSANAAcross 124: Dogie catcherLASSOAAcross 125: With profundityDEEPLYDDown 1: A good pairACESDDown 2: Gaucho's weaponBOLADDown 3: Bad place for a long runBODY STOCKINGDDown 4: Augment, with "out"EKEDDown 5: Pancake topperSIRUPDDown 6: Part of a sonnetSESTETDDown 7: D.C. bank groupFRBDDown 8: CubLEARNERDDown 9: Japanese immigrantISSEIDDown 10: Moral principleETHICDDown 11: Coral of a lobsterROEDDown 12: Long run on TVALLINTHEFAMILYDDown 13: Authors L. Frank and VickiBAUMSDDown 14: Tin Pan Alley acronymASCAPDDown 15: Like the W.C.T.U.TEETOTALDDown 16: Piscivorous birdERNDDown 17: Summer time in N.Y.C.DSTDDown 19: UnresistingPASSIVEDDown 23: TernSCRAYDDown 27: Actor FlynnERROLDDown 30: Hardest part of a long runLAST MILEDDown 32: Dos Passos trilogyU.S.A.DDown 32: Dos Passos trilogyUSADDown 33: Teatro San Carlo offeringsOPERASDDown 34: "Mean ___," 1929 songTOMEDDown 35: Marsh henRAILDDown 36: St. Patrick's headquartersTARADDown 37: Land areaACREAGEDDown 38: ThrivePROSPERDDown 43: SubdueTAMEDDown 45: Result of many a long runTOUCH DOWNDDown 45: Result of many a long runTOUCHDOWNDDown 47: Ben-___HURDDown 50: Long run in AprilBOSTONMARATHONDDown 52: Role for Hoffman or StreepKRAMERDDown 54: Unter ___ LindenDENDDown 56: SherbetICEDDown 58: What the victor getsSPOILSDDown 59: Hew a yewFELLDDown 61: Court celebrityASHEDDown 63: Christie's record-breaking long runTHEMOUSETRAPDDown 64: RansomsREDEEMSDDown 65: RedactorEMENDERDDown 68: In which a long run leads to homeBASEBALLDDown 71: SnoopSPYDDown 73: Avant-gardistNEODDown 75: Gromyko or VishinskyANDREIDDown 77: CumulusMASSDDown 77: CumulusMASS.DDown 78: School subj.SCIDDown 81: Unit of powerWATTDDown 82: Moslem nobleEMIRDDown 83: Card-file devicesLOCATORSDDown 84: Brings to courtSUESDDown 86: BreatheRESPIREDDown 87: TanglefootASTERDDown 91: ApprovesOKAYSDDown 93: AddsAPPENDSDDown 95: Jeu de motsPUNDDown 99: Like Jay PeakSLOPEDDDown 102: Pushers in Hyde ParkNANASDDown 103: Sermon of BuddhaSUTTADDown 104: Eucalyptus eaterKOALADDown 105: Queen ___ laceANNESDDown 106: Hole-___INONEDDown 111: EfficientlyWELLDDown 112: End of a Parisian's long runORLYDDown 113: Sigh in StuttgartACHDDown 114: ___ culpaMEADDown 116: An N.C.O.CPLDDown 117: SelfEGODDown 119: Genethliacon, e.g.ODE