New York Times Answers - Sunday, 9th January 1977 There are 65 across clues and 76 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Sunday, 9th January 1977. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: MisbehaveACT UPAAcross 6: Slow trainLOCALAAcross 11: What Eris threwAPPLEAAcross 16: Fasten againRESNAPAAcross 18: BanishedEXILEDAAcross 20: One who couplesPAIRERAAcross 21: ___ up (kept mum)CLAMMEDAAcross 23: Fall fare at Shea StadiumJET PROPULSIONAAcross 25: Wearer of hash marksSTRIPERAAcross 26: IndividualsONESAAcross 27: Snide remarkDIGAAcross 28: ShadeTONEAAcross 29: Site of a pleasure domeXANADUAAcross 31: Turkish titleAGAAAcross 32: Saddle afflictionsSORESAAcross 33: BistrosCAFESAAcross 36: How the Miami Dolphins playPORPOISEFULLYAAcross 41: Nigerian peopleAROSAAcross 42: Indian weightSERAAcross 43: Before line and sinkerHOOKAAcross 44: SwabMOPAAcross 45: East Lansing campusMSUAAcross 46: Vessel prized in the N.F.L.CHAMPIONSHIPAAcross 50: WinglikeALARAAcross 54: Gates, to CaesarPORTAEAAcross 56: Relative of org.SOCAAcross 57: Good bond ratingAAAAAcross 58: CoinCENTAAcross 59: Part of a shoeINSOLEAAcross 60: African lakeCHADAAcross 63: Postal dept.RLOAAcross 65: Stage shrewKATEAAcross 66: One-sided victory for BaltimoreCOLTBLOODEDMURDERAAcross 71: Locker or recROOMAAcross 73: ___ LankaSRIAAcross 74: BeatLASHAAcross 75: Coated steel platesTERNESAAcross 78: AtmosphereAURAAAcross 79: Elec. unitAMPAAcross 81: Mail-address initialsPOBAAcross 83: RhubarbHASSLEAAcross 84: Small birdWRENAAcross 85: January questSUPERBOWLWINAAcross 89: Possess, old styleHEVAAcross 90: PronounYOUAAcross 92: AriasSOLIAAcross 93: Wijk ___ Zee, HollandAANAAcross 94: TopsA-ONEAAcross 95: Pittsburgh team, oftenSCENESTEELERSAAcross 99: Nile damASWANAAcross 100: Caracalla specialtiesBATHSAAcross 102: Singer CharlesRAYAAcross 103: Eye partRETINAAAcross 105: Jai ___ALAIAAcross 106: GoalAIMAAcross 107: ZoneAREAAAcross 110: Hillary's conquestEVERESTAAcross 114: Exhortation in DallasRIDEEMCOWBOYSAAcross 117: One who misleadsDELUDERAAcross 118: ___ say (seemingly)ASIFTOAAcross 119: Of the sun: It.SOLAREAAcross 120: Moon goddessSELENEAAcross 121: Hide awaySTASHAAcross 122: Writer Peter B. and familyKYNESAAcross 123: Parking-lot mishapsDENTSDDown 1: CurvesARCSDDown 2: Boston cager, for shortCELTDDown 3: RulerTSARDDown 4: Separates, as metalsUNMIXESDDown 5: Argentine terrainPAMPASDDown 6: The day, in FranceLEJOURDDown 7: Beasts of burdenOXENDDown 8: Refer toCITEDDown 9: Locale for a chaletALPSDDown 10: Irish sea godLERDDown 11: Indian mulberryAALDDown 12: Posse from Green BayPISTOLPACKERSDDown 13: Religious housePRIORYDDown 14: Sierra ___LEONEDDown 15: Sea eaglesERNESDDown 17: Hammer partPEENDDown 19: SidestepDODGEDDown 20: Small dogPUGDDown 22: ___ flag, as over a bierDRAPEADDown 24: Chanteuse EdithPIAFDDown 30: Sleeping placesDORMSDDown 31: ___ favor (requests)ASKSADDown 32: Road signSLODDown 33: College grounds: Var.CAMPIDDown 34: Firebug jobARSONDDown 35: Eighty, to LincolnFOURSCOREDDown 37: Biblical captainPHICHOLDDown 38: Perfect-game line scoreOOODDown 39: Charged atomIONDDown 40: Grid officialUMPDDown 42: Oct. 31 needsSHEETSDDown 46: PhoneCALLDDown 47: Little, in SpainPOCODDown 48: DamageHARMDDown 49: Egyptian heavenIALUDDown 51: Acquires the knackLEARNSHOWDDown 52: InsectANTDDown 53: Hwy.RTEDDown 55: Complaint about Kansas CityTOOMANYCHIEFSDDown 61: Oklahoma cityADADDown 62: PillageDESPOILDDown 64: Through thick ___ORTHINDDown 67: German drinkBRAUDDown 68: Like Dali's watchesLIMPDDown 69: Arab vesselDHOWDDown 70: College officialDEANDDown 71: Like March weatherRAWDDown 72: PossessiveOURDDown 76: Form of HelenELENADDown 77: Dice numberSEVENDDown 80: TroublesomePESTYDDown 82: Sound loudlyBLAREDDown 85: Spot or shineSUNDDown 86: Shad dishROEDDown 87: Wheat, in FranceBLEDDown 88: Spent unwiselyWASTEDDDown 91: Faroe windsOESDDown 94: CustomarilyASARULEDDown 95: Locales for gamesSTADIADDown 96: Norse explorerERICDDown 97: Aegean islandSAMOSDDown 98: ObliteratesERASESDDown 99: AnointedANELEDDDown 100: Theda and familyBARASDDown 101: TiltingA-LISTDDown 101: TiltingALISTDDown 104: Burl or SaintIVESDDown 106: Latin-study wordAMODDown 107: With competenceABLYDDown 108: Horse colorROANDDown 109: Literary JaneEYREDDown 111: GardenEDENDDown 112: DispatchedSENTDDown 113: ___ bienTRESDDown 115: Ordinal suffixETHDDown 116: Chinese cooking dishWOK