Eugene Sheffer Answers - Saturday, 16th October 2021 There are 34 across clues and 33 down clues for the Eugene Sheffer crossword on Saturday, 16th October 2021. View the answers below.. Also try..All Eugene Sheffer AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Efron of “Parkland”ZACAAcross 4: Jason’s shipARGOAAcross 8: AssetPLUSAAcross 12: Business magINCAAcross 13: Enlist againREUPAAcross 14: Pop’s sisterAUNTAAcross 15: Compass dir.NNEAAcross 16: Tide typeNEAPAAcross 17: Wine valleyNAPAAAcross 18: Set of deportment standardsCODE OF CONDUCTAAcross 21: Gore and PacinoALSAAcross 22: “Chandelier” singerSIAAAcross 23: Billy goat featureBEARDAAcross 26: WagerBETAAcross 27: Cagers’ gp.NBAAAcross 30: JourneyTRIPAAcross 31: Hake’s relativeC.O.D.AAcross 31: Hake’s relativeCODAAcross 32: Naturalist JohnMUIRAAcross 33: BlueSADAAcross 34: CudgelBATAAcross 35: GossipYENTAAAcross 36: SupportingFORAAcross 37: River blockerDAMAAcross 38: Chuck Norris filmCODEOFSILENCEAAcross 45: “When I Was —”ALADAAcross 46: Play openerACTIAAcross 47: Sound of surpriseOHOAAcross 48: ExceptionalRAREAAcross 49: AssessRATEAAcross 50: Tom Collins liquorGINAAcross 51: Bobcat cousinLYNXAAcross 52: Eve’s grandsonENOSAAcross 53: Rds.STSDDown 1: Galvanizing metalZINCDDown 2: Part of A.D.ANNODDown 3: Sent a dupe toCCEDDDown 4: Golf’s PalmerARNOLDDDown 5: Coral formationsREEFSDDown 6: Avocado dip, for shortGUACDDown 7: Went up againstOPPOSEDDDown 8: Bamboo eaterPANDADDown 9: Maui mealLUAUDDown 10: Potentially offensive, for shortUNPCDDown 11: Sports figure?STATDDown 19: Lawman WyattEARPDDown 20: Little louseNITDDown 23: “Mic Drop” K-pop bandBTSDDown 24: Historic periodERADDown 25: HelpAIDDDown 26: DroidBOTDDown 27: Convent residentNUNDDown 28: IotaBITDDown 29: Coach ParseghianARADDown 31: Commuter’s cashCARFAREDDown 32: Viral video, e.g.MEMEDDown 34: Ghostly greetingBOODDown 35: ElisYALIESDDown 36: UPS rivalFEDEXDDown 37: “Same here”DITTODDown 38: Sagan or SandburgCARLDDown 39: Skin care brandOLAYDDown 40: “Phooey!”DARNDDown 41: Read quicklySCANDDown 42: Eggy drinksNOGSDDown 43: VoucherCHITDDown 44: EternitiesEONS