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13-Letter Words Containing: R,G,U,S

 (In Any Order)
There are 457 13 letter words, 504 13 letter phrases and 0 13 letter abbr's with R,G,U,S in.

Best Scoring 13 Letter Words With: R,G,U,S

28 nounn

• a broad highway designed for high-speed traffic

• an extensive electronic network (such as the internet) used for the rapid transfer of sound and video and graphics in digital form

28 nounn

• a person who is paralyzed in both arms and both legs

27 nounn

• brain surgery on human patients intended to relieve severe and otherwise intractable mental or behavioral problems

27 verb, adjectivev, adj

• take on suburban character

• make suburban in character

27 verbv

• To categorize more specifically by placing in a subcategory.

• (grammar) To practice subcategorization.

27 verb, adjectivev, adj

• a meeting planned at a certain time and place

• a place where people meet

• a date; usually with a member of the opposite sex


• meet at a rendezvous

27 verb, adjectivev, adj

• To remove the sulfur from something (such as petroleum or flue gases).

27 nounn
Valid word for Scrabble US
27 nounn

• an intuitive feeling for the natural idiom of a language

26 verbv

• a verbal act of renouncing a claim or right or position etc.

• the act of giving up and abandoning a struggle or task etc.

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Tip: Scrabble EU allows far more words than US! Also change the max length to see more words.

All 13 Letter Words

Words (457)
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walter gropiusvena jugularisuruguayan pesotime signaturesurvivor guiltsurgical knifestorage mediumstimulant drugspring equinoxsource programshaving cutterserum globulinsecurity guardrussian agencyrough sleddingreligious songreligious ritepurging cassiapruning shearsnursing bottlenatural springmeasuring wormmeasuring unitlouis the greatkangaroo mouseirish languageinterest grouphorse-and-buggyharvey cushinggustatory cellgiuseppe verdigertrude steingeorges seuratgeorges cuviergeorges braquegenus trolliusgenus triturusgenus tridacnagenus tiarellagenus suricatagenus struthiogenus strombusgenus spartinagenus smyrniumgenus serranusgenus saturejagenus rynchopsgenus rhizopusgenus rangifergenus pyrrhulagenus pteretisgenus procaviagenus potorousgenus physetergenus parmeliagenus orontiumgenus origanumgenus oreamnosgenus miroungagenus melursusgenus martyniagenus macropusgenus hydromysgenus heucheragenus gopherusgenus gesneriagenus geastrumgenus estrildagenus erysimumgenus empetrumgenus dromaiusgenus cyprinusgenus cricetusgenus coragypsgenus coraciasgenus chelifergenus cecropiagenus carpinusgenus bungarusgenus bradypusgenus botaurusgenus blaberusgenus argemonegenus ameiurusgenus agaricusgenus abrocomaflying coloursfarsi languagefacial gesturedungeness crabdegree celsiuscyperus longuscygnus atratuscourse catalogconsumer goodsclearing houseclass strugglecitrus grandischordate genuscharles gounodchange surfacecepphus gryllecarriage housecalamus rotangbuffer storagebritish guianazea mays rugosayucca gloriosawhite sturgeonweeping sprucevultur gryphusvisiting nurseviper's buglossvena angularisvaulting horseupper tunguskaupon one's guardumbrella sedgeulysses s. granttursiops gilliturd polishingtringa totanustoothed spurgetongue twisterthrust bearingthresher's lungtestudo graecatesting groundtemporal gyrussummer tanagersukur languagesugar refinerysturm und drangstrombus gigasstring quintetstring quartetstraighten outstraight sinusstraight flutestraight flushstandard gaugestaghorn sumacsqueak throughsquare dancingsporting housesplinter groupspanish burgoosouthern porgysour-gum familysounding boardsoothing syrupsoldering fluxsolanum nigrumsloping troughslipper spurgesilurus glanissignature tunesiege perilousshrimp newburgsetaria glaucaserer languageself-taught artscratch ploughscarlet buglersaul steinbergsargassum fishsanguinary antsamuel gomperssambucus nigrasalafist grouprunning stitchrogue's galleryringworm shrubring rot fungusride roughshodreligious textreligious sectreligious cultpurple passagepressure grouppressure gaugeprairie grousepowdered sugarpound sterlingparietal gyrusnursing schoolmustard greensmocking thrushmissouri gourdmilvus migransmarching musicmagic mushroomlupus vulgarislower tunguskalouis daguerrelathyrus nigerlampris regiuskrigia bulbosajousting armorjerusalem sageisurus glaucusictiobus nigerhunting spiderhonours degreegustav fechnergrus americanagroup dynamicsgroundsel treegroundsel bushgrey substancegregory pincusgreenhouse gasgreen dinosaurgray substancegrass bacillusgram's solutiongraduate nursegovernor's plumglottis spuriaglauber's saltsgiuseppe sartogilbert stuartgenus zingibergenus zerumbetgenus wisteriagenus volvariagenus vittariagenus virgiliagenus viburnumgenus veronicagenus vernoniagenus veratrumgenus vaccariagenus uvulariagenus tyrannusgenus tursiopsgenus turritisgenus triticumgenus trilliumgenus tribulusgenus triatomagenus tremellagenus tragulusgenus tragopangenus teucriumgenus tectariagenus tadaridagenus synercusgenus streperagenus storeriagenus spragueagenus spergulagenus spartiumgenus sparaxisgenus solandragenus sobraliagenus sinornisgenus serratiagenus seriphusgenus sayornisgenus saururusgenus saturniagenus satureiagenus sardiniagenus sarcodesgenus sadleriagenus rypticusgenus rupicolagenus roridulagenus roccellagenus ravenalagenus ratibidagenus raphanusgenus ramalinagenus pyrrosiagenus pyraustagenus puerariagenus pteropusgenus psoraleagenus prunellagenus protelesgenus prosopisgenus procniasgenus prionacegenus pouteriagenus poteriumgenus portunusgenus porphyragenus poncirusgenus podargusgenus plumeriagenus piqueriagenus pipturusgenus picrasmagenus physariagenus phthirusgenus phalarisgenus petteriagenus petaurusgenus pereskiagenus parrotiagenus paprilusgenus pantheragenus paliurusgenus oryzomysgenus orthiliagenus oreortyxgenus orbignyagenus olfersiagenus oleandragenus notropisgenus notornisgenus nimravusgenus nicandragenus neritinagenus nephropsgenus neophrongenus neofibergenus necturusgenus myrmeciagenus mycteriagenus monsteragenus micrurusgenus microtusgenus micromyxgenus merionesgenus marsileagenus marattiagenus majoranagenus maeandragenus macrotusgenus macrotisgenus loniceragenus lofortyxgenus listeriagenus leonurusgenus lecanoragenus lavateragenus lathyrusgenus lasiurusgenus laporteagenus laburnumgenus kohleriagenus jatrophagenus isopyrumgenus irvingiagenus hydrillagenus hipsurusgenus hesperisgenus hernariagenus hazardiagenus harrisiagenus goodyeragenus glyceriagenus gloriosagenus glareolagenus gerardiagenus geraniumgenus garrulusgenus gardeniagenus garciniagenus galleriagenus fusariumgenus fulmarusgenus fraxinusgenus fragariagenus firmianagenus eurotiumgenus euarctosgenus erysiphegenus eryngiumgenus eriosomagenus erigerongenus eranthisgenus eoraptorgenus emberizagenus drynariagenus drepanisgenus dracaenagenus dipteryxgenus dinornisgenus dicranumgenus dicentragenus dentariagenus delaireagenus dasyurusgenus curtisiagenus crotalusgenus crassulagenus coturnixgenus cordylusgenus coprinusgenus connarusgenus confervagenus comandragenus clitoriagenus clathrusgenus chondrusgenus chloruragenus chimaeragenus chelydragenus chateuragenus cetrariagenus ceterachgenus cerastesgenus cenchrusgenus caryocargenus caraganagenus caprellagenus capparisgenus cambarusgenus calidrisgenus burhinusgenus budorcasgenus browmiusgenus brodiaeagenus brassicagenus braseniagenus bothropsgenus borreliagenus borassusgenus berteroagenus bergeniagenus berberisgenus barbareagenus averrhoagenus atriplexgenus athyriumgenus asperulagenus arvicolagenus arisarumgenus arisaemagenus argyreiagenus argynnisgenus arethusagenus arenariagenus arctotisgenus arctonyxgenus angrecumgenus andryalagenus andricusgenus andreaeagenus anagyrisgenus ambrosiagenus amberboagenus alliariagenus alecturagenus agrostisgenus ageratumgenus afropavogenus acroporageneral custergaussian curvegarlic mustardgansu provincefraxinus nigrafragrant sumacfountain grassflight surgeonfirst languagefigure skatingfenugreek seedfagus purpureaerogenous zonedusting powderdugald stewartdouglas sprucedirty thoughtsdental surgerydental surgeondemerara sugarcyrus the greatcypress spurgecustomer agentcrossing guardcoffee groundscitrus tangelochange posturecellular glasscartridge fusecarrion funguscarl xvi gustavcarl xvi gustafcapra aegagrusbutter-and-eggsburgundy saucebrush kangaroobronco bustingbracket fungusboarding houseblue-eyed grassbig-cone sprucebig sioux riverbathing trunksbath asparagusbacteria genusasparagus fernasparagus beanarteria glutesargus pheasantangostura barkangel's trumpetalnus vulgarisaberdeen angus
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