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12-Letter Words Containing: R,O,E,S

 (In Any Order)
There are 4,561 12 letter words, 890 12 letter phrases and 0 12 letter abbr's with R,O,E,S in.

Best Scoring 12 Letter Words With: R,O,E,S

38 nounn

• a drug (trade names Atarax and Vistaril) used as a tranquilizer to treat anxiety and motion sickness

32 nounn
Valid word for Scrabble US
32 verbv

• manage in a makeshift way; do with whatever is at hand

• perform without preparation

31 verbv

• to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth

31 noun, adjectiven, adj
Valid word for Scrabble US
31 nounn
Valid word for Scrabble US
30 adjectiveadj
adjective satellite

• operating in unison

30 nounn
Valid word for Scrabble US
30 nounn
Valid word for Scrabble US
29 nounn

• an instrument that indicates whether two periodic motions are synchronous (especially an instrument that enables a pilot to synchronize the propellers of a plane that has two or more engines)

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wolfram steelwindow washerwindow screenwaste productvolute springvilla hermosaunkind personulmus proceratwo-way streettreasury notethomas mertonterminus a quotennis strokesyringa emodisweet sorghumsurgeon's knotsupport levelsumo wrestlerstrong breezestrong beliefstring theorystretch alongstreet cornerstorage spacestone breakerstock-in-tradestaying powerstate senatorstar fortressstable factorspruce grousesports writersponge filterslice throughskin eruptionskiffle groupsir henry woodsir fred hoylesilver soldersilver dollarsilent personshoulder boneshort sellingshore stationship's officersheet of paperserious musicsense of humorsemester hoursecond sackersecond personsecond naturesecond empiresea of marmorascourge of godscottish reelsaloon keeperrussel crouseroman lettersrobert gravesright-side-outrhesus monkeyresponse timerecord sleeveralph ellisonraisin cookieradiator hoserachel carsonput one acrosspulse counterprove oneselfprotest marchpromised landpost meridiempersian melonpart of speechpair of pliersouter cassockotto sverdruporder ulvalesorder ranalesorder isopodaorder fucalesorder cestidaopposite wordoperatic starold ironsidesoff one's guardobstacle racenot surprisednot intrusivenelson algrenmrs. henry woodmountain rosemount shermanmount everestmotor scootermortise jointmoira shearermeasuring rodmaster of artsmarcel proustman of lettersmajor premiselower oneselflow countrieslouis pasteurlouis braillelouis bleriotlong trouserslash togetherjoseph joffrejoseph hellerjoseph conradjohn herscheljockey shortsjewelry storejessye normanin short orderii chronicleshylobates larhunted personhuman processhouse servanthospital carehorse blankethoosier statehoneyed wordsherpes zosterhernan corteshedge sparrowhebrew lessonheart and soulharness horsehard-to-pleasehalf-seas-overground strokegowen cypressgood shepherdgibson desertgeorges bizetgeorge enescugenus trionyxgenus torreyagenus seriolagenus scombergenus rumohragenus porzanagenus osmerusgenus marmotagenus liriopegenus hordeumgenus hoheriagenus hirundogenus gorillagenus crocutagenus coryphagenus corylusfrench polishfrench personformal systemforehand shotfixed storagefemale personfaroe islandsexposure doseeleonora duseeero saarinenedward westonearnest moneydurable goodsdressing gowndress uniformdrag one's feetdover's powderdough sheeterdoppler shiftdesire to knowdenis diderotcustomer's manculture shockcross examinecowper's glandcovered standcover versioncourse creditcost increasecornmeal mushcommon personcoaster wagonclumsy personcicuta verosachoice morselchess problemcherokee rosecharnel housechange coursecervus nipponcanister shotbronco busterbrigate rossebride's bonnetbrain surgeonbowling scorebos grunniensbobby fischerbasso relievoauguste rodinat close rangeartist's modelarrester hookarnold gesellarbutus unedoaqueous humorappeals boardanise camphoradipose tumorzombie spirityouth crusadeyorkshire fogyellow sprucewrong-side-outwriter's blockwormwood sagework stoppageword deafnesswitches' brothwitches' broomwinter savorywinslow homerwindsor greenwindow oysterwind exposurewild rosemarywhorled asterwhite borschtwestern worldwestern samoawestern poppyweaver's broomwatered stockwater scooterwanted posterwalter pistonwalking horsevon sternbergvon rundstedtvitreous bodyvisual cortexviscose rayonvirgin's bowervirgin forestviolent stormvena peroneusvaricose veinvapor densityus governmentup to our necksunion soldieru.s. governmenttyrolean alpsturn of phraseturn of eventsturkish toweltrue sago palmtrue marmosettrouser presstropical soretrimmer joisttree clubmosstreasury bondtraveler's joytower mustardtorsion angletorres straittomato streaktodea superbatime exposurethomas dekkerthomas deckerthermos flaskterrorist acttassel flowertapestry mothsweetsop treesweep throughswedish kronasurreal humorsurface-to-airsurface noisesupreme courtsunflower oilsun worshipersummer schoolsummer savorysummer cohoshsulphur oxidesuborder larisublime portestupid personstrike a chordstretch forthstreet personstream orchidstormy petrelstorm trooperstorm lanternstone parsleystone bramblestock breedersterling blocstereo systemsteel factorysteam ejectorstay togetherstate trooperstate of qatarstate of katarstate of gracestarter motorstarnose molestaghorn fernstage monitorstaff officerst. johns riverst peter's wortsquirrel cornsquare fathomspotted feverspotted crakesports jacketsports editorsporting lifespiny lobsterspider orchidspider monkeyspider flowerspearnose batspearmint oilspear throwerspathe flowerspark counterspanish gorsespace programsoybean floursoviet russiasouthern scupsouth americasound barriersotadic versesorex araneussophie tuckersonic barriersolitary wavesolar furnacesolar eclipsesolar batterysoft tree fernsoft ice creamsocket wrenchsocial workersocial dancersoccer playersnuffbox fernsnowshoe haresnowdrop treesnow-in-summersnooker tablesnack countersmoke grenadesmall fortunesmall calorieslender lorissleeping roomslap togetherskipping ropeskin disordersirloin steaksilver willowsilver salmonsilver iodidesilkworm seedsidereal hourshoulder viseshoulder markshoulder cordshort subjectshore bouldershoe industryshock therapysheep's sorrelshaft encodersex chromatinseward's follyseventh chordsertoli's cellsensory nervesensory fibersenior statussenior momentsemantic roleseed sproutersecret policesecret ballotsecond periodsecond growthsea of marmarascreen memoryscots heatherscorpion weedsanitary codesand dropseedsan pedro sulasaint ambrosesafflower oilsafety factorsaddle oystersaddle oxfordrussian oliverussell's bodyrunning nooserumex acetosarules of orderrule of cy presruffed grouserudolf serkinrudolf dieselroyal societyrosewood treerosetta stonerose of sharonrose geraniumrose chestnutrosa ponsellerooming houserolando's arearoger shermanrocking horserock squirrelrock purslanerochelle saltrobert yerkesrobert morrisrobert bunsenriver cocytusrhodesian manrhesus factorresting sporeresidual soilreserve ratiorelay stationreindeer mossreform schoolred goosefootred deliciousrandom sampleraise the roofrainbow smeltragged orchisradius vectorquestion markquercus roburqueen consortquarter stockquarter horsepurple orchisprompter's boxpriscoan aeonprimrose pathpride oneselfprice supportpressure sorepressure domeprairie smokeprairie lotuspower stationpower servicepoverty grasspotter's wheelpotter's fieldpotter's earthposter colourpostage meterportrait lensportal systemporta hepatispork and beanspore mushroompop-up toasterpolished ricepogonia roseapoa pratensispoa nemoralispleurisy rootpleasure boatplant processpisiform bonepine grosbeakpigeon breastphone servicephil andersonpersonal nounpersonal loanpersonal foulpersonal carepersona gratapeople's partypeace processpay as you earnpastor roseuspasque flowerparsons tablepars anteriorpackage storeoyster fungusoyster agaricoxalis cernuaowner's equityoutdoor stageos triquetrumoriental soreorder taxalesorder sireniaorder rosalesorder olealesorder musalesorder fagalesorder bryalesorchestra pitorange balsamoptical maseropera glassesononis repensone-way streetomental bursaold man's beardofficer's messoculus dexterocular muscleobserved firenorwegian seanorway sprucenorthern scupnitrous oxideni-resist ironnew york stripnew york statenew york asternarrow escapenapier's bonesmystery storymystery novelmusical scoremuscle memorymother teresamosquito fernmorris dancermorning dressmojave desertmohave desertmizzen courseminstrel showminor surgeryminor premissminor premiseminor expensemiles per hourmeteor streammeteor showermessenger boymemory accessmean solar daymaster of lawsmason's trowelmarx brothersmarsh trefoilmarsh felwortmarket forcesmariotte's lawmaltese crossmajor surgerymajor premissmaine lobsterlubber's pointlouvre museumlosing streaklobster plantlistera ovatalister ploughlisp compilerlion marmosetline of saturnlewis h. morganlewis carrollleslie howardleslie groveslawson's cedarlaw of closurelast frontierlashkar-e-omarlake superiorlacrosse ballkorean straitknow the scorekerosine lampkerosene lampjoseph oliverjoseph listerjoseph hookerjewels-of-oparjerusalem oakjapanese rosejacob's ladderironing pressinsect powderinner cassockin other wordsice-cream sodahussar monkeyhoward hugheshouse trailerhouse sparrowhouse painterhouse of tudorhouse of lordshouse of cardshot-work steelhorseshoe bathorsehair wighorsefly weedhorse tradinghorse thistlehorse parsleyhorse gentianhorse fancierhorse cavalryhooker's onionhooker's greenheroic stanzahero sandwichhenri bergsonheart surgeonharvest mouseharlan f. stonehard shoulderhangman's ropehand over fisthaber processhabeas corpusgypsy rose leegun enclosuregum accroidesguest of honorground forcesgross revenuegrocery storegrimes' goldengreylag goosegreen soybeangreen pea soupgreen goddessgrease monkeygraylag goosegrass widowergrandma mosesgospel of markgordon settergolden shinerginger rogersgerman lessongeorge h.w. bushgeorge h. w. bushgeorge c. scottgenus zosteragenus zoarcesgenus urocyongenus trogiumgenus tortrixgenus tadornagenus strymongenus stentorgenus sorghumgenus sophoragenus shortiagenus serenoagenus rorippagenus romneyagenus rodoliagenus robiniagenus raouliagenus ptlorisgenus pteroisgenus protiumgenus proteusgenus procyongenus oxandragenus ortalisgenus ormosiagenus oriolusgenus orcinusgenus ondatragenus oleariagenus oestrusgenus ocyurusgenus ochromagenus nerodiagenus monardagenus homarusgenus hatioragenus francoagenus formicagenus etropusgenus erodiumgenus droseragenus dicerosgenus crangongenus corokiagenus colubergenus coerebagenus chlorisgenus caryotagenus bucerosgenus bryoniagenus bomareagenus arizonagenus ariommagenus argiopegenus amorphagenus abroniageneral storegarden sorrelgalois theoryg. k. chestertonfrost's boletefrost heavingfrog's lettucefrench sorrelfrench lessonfourth estatefour horsemenfoster familyforest red gumfore staysailfor the askingfool's parsleyfocal seizureflowering ashflexor musclefish-liver oilfiesta flowerfield sparrowfencing swordfemoral pulsefelis ocreatafast of estherfamous personfalse saffronewing's tumourevery so ofteneuropean soleesther morrisespresso shopeskimo curlewernest waltonernest solvayensiform leafenrico carusoelectron lenseastern siouxeastern samoadry-stone walldressing roomdressing downdraught horsedown syndromedowager's humpdouglas mooredouay versiondoris lessingdonald glaserdomestic carpdo-it-yourselfdisk overheaddiscovery daydiscount ratediceros simusdessert spoondesertic soildesert willowdefense forcedeer mushroomdanseur noblecurling stonecrow pheasantcrossing overcross oneselfcrescent rollcreosote bushcrabby personcourt plastercountry storecountry housecostal groovecorpus luteumcornish heathcontour sheetconsumer loanconstrue withcongress shoecongress bootcomputer usercommon sorrelcommon shinercommon sharescommon scotercolour schemecobbler's lastcoaster brakecoast redwoodclothes dryerclothes drierclosing priceclose supportchange ownerschamois cresschair of statecesare borgiacentre of masscenter of masscecil j. rhodescavalry horsecaudine forkscashmere goatcascades frogcaryota urenscarlos chavezcarl andersoncape primrosebuster keatonbrosme brosmebrook thistlebroca's centerbring outsidebring oneselfbreeches buoybreech closerbreast pocketbreast of vealbreast of lambbreak of servebrass sectionboston rockerbooster cablebook of estherbomber harrisbody snatcherboard measureblue copperasblood blisterblarney stonebladder stonebishop of romebinder's boardbighorn sheepbeta softwarebefore christbedroom suitebed of flowersbeach erosionbayes' theorembasso rilievobasket flowerbalsam of peruattar of rosesasteroid beltaster shortiiaster dumosusarthur holmesarsenic grouparna bontempsarmored scaleapricot sauceappeals courtaortic plexusandre mauroisair-to-surfaceadder's tongueaccroides gumacaroid resinabsolute zero
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