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12-Letter Words Containing: O,R,P

 (In Any Order)
There are 3,314 12 letter words, 672 12 letter phrases and 0 12 letter abbr's with O,R,P in.

Best Scoring 12 Letter Words With: O,R,P

33 verbv

• manage in a makeshift way; do with whatever is at hand

• perform without preparation

33 noun, adjectiven, adj
Valid word for Scrabble US
32 verb, adjectivev, adj

• pose a threat to; present a danger to

• put at risk

32 verbv

• to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth

32 nounn
Valid word for Scrabble US
32 verbv

• manage in a makeshift way; do with whatever is at hand

• perform without preparation

32 nounn
Valid word for Scrabble US
31 nounn

• a mildly narcotic analgesic drug (trade name Darvon) related to methadone but less addictive

31 nounn

• roentgenographic examination of lymph nodes and lymph vessels after injection of a radiopaque contrast medium; produces a lymphangiogram

31 nounn

• The scientific study of the geographical distribution of animal species.

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Tip: Scrabble EU allows far more words than US! Also change the max length to see more words.

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yom kippur warworking partyworking groupwater companywaste productvolute springvinyl polymervalproic acidup to your neckunkind personulmus proceratrust companytroop carrierto perfectionthyme camphorsupport levelstorage spacestaying powerspruce grousesports writersponge filterskin eruptionskiffle groupsilent personshopping cartship's officersheet of papersecond personsecond empirescouting tripscissors gripsaloon keeperroman emperorriver dolphinresponse timerecord playerreal propertyralph ellisonpyriform lobepyriform areaputter aroundput one acrosspurple willowpurple cloverpulse counterpublic recordprove oneselfprotest marchprotea familypromised landprocyon lotorprix goncourtprimum mobilepride of placeprice gougingprice controlpoverty levelpotter aroundpost meridiemport-au-princepopular musicpoint of orderpoint of entrypoetic rhythmpoet laureateplot of groundplay a trick onplant hormonepitch contourpiriform lobepierre boulezpiece of paperpiciform birdphrasal idiompersian melonperoneal veinperiod of playpassion fruitparus bicolorpartition offpart of speechparietal boneparcel of landpapio ursinuspanthera oncapair of plierspack togetherozark plateauotto sverdruporder isopodaopposite wordoperatic starolea europaeanot-for-profitnot surprisednorthrop fryenorthern pikenominal pricemolly pitchermilitary postmarcel proustmajor premiselouis pasteurlogical proofletter openerlatent periodkinship groupjoseph joffrejoseph hellerjoseph conradinput routinein low spiritshunted personhuman processhospital wardhospital carehorn of plentyherpes zosterheroic poetryhedge sparrowharold pinterhard-to-pleasegroup captaingowen cypressgood shepherdgenus porzanagenus liriopegenus coryphafruit compotefrench polishfrench personfrench peoplefemale personextreme pointexposure doseencroach uponemperor meijidrawing powerdover's powderdoppler shiftcyanide groupcross productcowper's glandconcord grapecomputer gurucomputer filecompound wordcommon personclumsy personchlorophyll achess problemcervus nipponcamera tripodbritish poundbottle capperboris spasskyboarding passbeta receptoraudit programarnold palmerarmor platingapproach shotapproach pathappeals boardanise camphoralpha orionisallium porrumadipose tumorachras zapotaabelian groupaaron coplandzombie spirityellow turnipyellow spruceyellow poplarworship of manworks programwork stoppagewooly lip fernwind exposurewilton carpetwestern poppywater projectwater programwater caltropwanted posterwalter pistonvictoria plumvena pyloricavena peroneusvapor densityupright pianoupper jawboneupper balconyupland ploverup to our necksunpaid workertyrolean alpstyphoid feverturning pointturn of phrasetrue sago palmtrouser presstropical zonetropical yeartropical soretrace programtortilla chiptonal patterntoilet powdertodea superbatime exposurethrips tobacitemporal veintemporal roletemporal lobetemporal bonetemple orangetapestry mothtape recordertalcum powdersweetsop treesweep throughswamp sparrowswamp hickorysupreme courtsun worshipersulphur oxidesublime portestupid personstreet personstormy petrelstorm trooperstone parsleystate trooperstarting poststar topologyst peter's wortspurious wingspringing cowspring to mindspotted feverspotted crakesports jacketsports editorsporting lifesporting ladysport utilitysplash aroundspiny lobsterspider orchidspider monkeyspider flowerspearnose batspearmint oilspear throwerspathe flowerspark counterspanish gorsespanish broomspace programsouthern scupsoupfin sharksophie tuckersolar physicssolar eclipsesoccer playersoaking syrupsnowdrop treesleeping roomslap togetherskipping ropeshock therapyshipping roomsheep's sorrelseed sproutersecret policesecond periodscorpion weedscorpion fishsaratoga chipsand dropseedsan pedro sularupert brookerule of cy presrudolph labanrosa ponselleroofing paperrolling paperrock purslanerock polypodyrobert e. pearyrio de la plataresting sporered phalaroperandom samplerainbow perchradio compassquarter poundpyloric valvepurple orchispull togetherprunus lyoniiprovost guardprovost courtproperty lineprompter's boxprolonge knotprogram musicprofit marginprobate courtprivy councilpriscoan aeonprinting shopprimrose pathprimary toothprimary colorpride-of-indiapride oneselfprickly poppyprice supportpressure sorepressure domeprairie wagonprairie smokeprairie lotusprairie gourdpower walkingpower takeoffpower stationpower servicepower loadingpower failurepower companypowdered milkpowder monkeypowder methodpoverty grasspouter pigeonpotter's wheelpotter's fieldpotter's earthpotomac riverposter colourpostage meterportrait lensportal systemporta hepatisporn merchantpork and beanspore mushroompopulus nigrapopular frontpope gregory ipop-up toasterpoor relationpons asinorumpolyoma viruspolished ricepolice matronpolar glacierpoint of honorpogonia roseapocket mirrorpocket gopherpoa pratensispoa nemoralisplymouth rockplutonic rockplimsoll markpleurisy rootpleasure boatplatonic yearplant productplant processplace of birthpistol shrimppisiform bonepiriform areapiping ploverpinwheel rollpinus strobuspink bollwormpine grosbeakpilot projectpilot programpigeon breastpiet mondrianpicnic groundpickerel frogpiano teacherpiano quartetphone servicephil andersonphenolic ureapetty officerpetrol enginepersonal nounpersonal loanpersonal foulpersonal carepersona grataperiodic acidperiod of timeperboric acidpeople's partypectoral veinpectoral archpecking orderpear hawthornpeach orchardpeace processpeace officerpayroll checkpay as you earnpastor roseuspasque flowerparts catalogparsons tablepars anteriorparry's pinyonparquet floorparotid glandparlour grandparietal lobeparallel portparade groundpaola caliaripaleozoic erapair creationpackage storeoutdoor sportorder uropygiorder proturaorder dipteraorchestra pitorbital pointorbital planeoptical prismoptical maseroptical fibreoptical fiberoptical crownoperator geneopera glassesopera companyopera comiqueopen marriageopen intervalopen fractureononis repensomomyid groupnuclear powernotary publicnorway sprucenorthern scupnorth pacificnew york stripnew world opahnational parknarrow escapenapier's bonesmusical groupmotor aphasiamorality playmonterey pineminor premissminor premiseminor expensemiles per hourmemorial parkmary pickfordmarvel-of-perumarrowfat peamariposa lilymajor premissmagical powermachupo viruslubber's pointlobster plantloan approvallister ploughlisp compilerlinkage groupline of poetryleopard plantleaded petrollake superiorkerosine lampkerosene lampkangaroo's pawjoseph oliverjoseph listerjoseph hookerjointer planejewels-of-oparjapanese roseivory-nut palmislamic groupironing pressinsect powderinput programinner productimport creditimperial mothhydrazo grouphouse sparrowhouse painterhospital roomhorse parsleyhorned puffinhome computerhockey playerhoary puccoonhigh-warp loomhemp agrimonyheavy torpedoharry hotspurharbor patrolhangman's ropehampton roadshaber processhabeas corpusgypsy rose leegrowing painsgroup therapygroup meetinggrey polypodygreen peafowlgreen pea soupgray polypodygovernor plumgospel of markgopher turtlegolden plovergenus sophoragenus rorippagenus ptlorisgenus pteroisgenus protiumgenus proteusgenus procyongenus etropusgenus argiopegenus amorphagary kasparovgallop rhythmfriction tapefriction propfreedom partyfree morphemefoundry prooffool's parsleyflower peoplefilm producerfighter pilotfield sparrowfemoral pulsefamous personfactory priceeye operationexport crediteuropean toadeuropean soleeuropean planeuropean hareeuropean beanespresso shoperolia alpinaegyptian corndwarf lycopoddropping zonedrop-down menudried apricotdrag-cup motordowager's humpdouble dipperdoppler radardomestic carpdisplay boarddilatory pleadessert spoondead metaphordairy productcypriot poundcupboard lovecrow pheasantcrimping ironcrash programcrabby personcourt plastercorpus luteumcornish pastycorner pocketcormous plantcor pulmonalecoptic churchcopper glancecontrol panelcontact sportcontact printconcrete poemconcert pitchconcert pianocomputer usercomputer menucomputer gamecomputer codecompass northcomparable tocommon privetcommon peppercollared pikacoco plum treeclosing priceclose supportclap togetherchopper knifechlorophyll dchlorophyll cchlorophyll bchild supportchild prodigychicory plantcharcoal pilececropia mothcaveat emptorcartoon stripcaranx hipposcape provincecape primrosecape marigoldcamphor daisycamp followercacodyl groupbrown creeperbromide paperbreast pocketbreaker pointbottle openerborder patrolbook scorpionbog pimpernelbodice ripperblue copperasblood profileblack apricotbishop of romebighorn sheepbenzoyl groupbelly whopperbelly flopperbeauty parlorbear down uponbar-room plantbaltic porterbalsam poplarbalsam of perubaking powderarsenic grouparna bontempsapricot sauceapple orchardappeals courtaortic plexusalpine totaraalpine cloveralcohol groupair transportair pollutionaction replayabortion pill
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