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12-Letter Words Containing: N,E,S,O

 (In Any Order)
There are 4,105 12 letter words, 829 12 letter phrases and 0 12 letter abbr's with N,E,S,O in.

Best Scoring 12 Letter Words With: N,E,S,O

38 nounn

• a drug (trade names Atarax and Vistaril) used as a tranquilizer to treat anxiety and motion sickness

31 noun, adjectiven, adj
Valid word for Scrabble US
30 adjectiveadj
adjective satellite

• operating in unison

30 verb, nounv, n

• an antibiotic derived from tetracycline that is effective against many infections

30 nounn
Valid word for Scrabble US
30 verbv
Valid word for Scrabble US
29 nounn

• an instrument that indicates whether two periodic motions are synchronous (especially an instrument that enables a pilot to synchronize the propellers of a plane that has two or more engines)

29 verbv

• make synchronous and adjust in time or manner

• happen at the same time

• make (motion picture sound) exactly simultaneous with the action

• arrange or represent events so that they co-occur

• operate simultaneously

• cause to indicate the same time or rate

29 verbv
Valid word for Scrabble US
29 noun, adjectiven, adj
Valid word for Scrabble US
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Tip: Scrabble EU allows far more words than US! Also change the max length to see more words.

All 12 Letter Words

Words (4105)
Phrases (829)
window washerwindow screenweapon systemwaste of moneyvolute springunkind persontreasury notetout ensemblethomas mertonthomas edisonterminus a quotennis strokesyringa emodiswimming holesurgeon's knotstrong breezestrong beliefstring theorystretch alongstreet cornerstone breakerstock-in-tradestaying powerstate senatorsponge filtersong and dancesocial seasonskin eruptionskin and bonessir henry woodsingle combatsimon zelotessilent personshoulder boneshotgun shellshort sellingshore stationshetland ponysense of touchsense of smellsense of shamesense of humorsecond sackersecond personsecond naturesecond estatesecond empiresecond comingsecond bananasecond adventseason ticketscots englishsausage houndsaloon keeperroman lettersrhesus monkeyresponse timeralph ellisonraisin cookierachel carsonput one acrosspulse counterprove oneselfpromised landpole positionplane sectionphone messagepersian melonoswald veblenorder ranalesold line stateold ironsidesoff one's guardof the essenceoceanic abyssobject lessonnot surprisednot intrusivenevado sajamanelson algrenmustela visonmrs. henry woodmountain rosemount shermanmount everestmortise jointmodus vivendimission bellsmeasuring rodman of letterslower oneselflow countrieslong trouserslens of the eyekitchen stovejoseph stalinjoseph conradjohn herscheljessye normanje ne sais quoijacob epsteinin short orderii chronicleshunted personhuman processhouse servanthorse blankethoneyed wordshome invasionhernan corteshebrew lessonheart and soulharness horseground strokegowen cypressglenoid fossagladstone baggibson desertget one's lumpsgeorge enescugenus wolffiagenus trionyxgenus torreyagenus tolmieagenus testudogenus tectonagenus tautogagenus seriolagenus sequoiagenus scombergenus rumohragenus porzanagenus osmerusgenus nopaleagenus marmotagenus mahoniagenus madoquagenus lycopusgenus lophiusgenus lithopsgenus liriopegenus lepomisgenus lepiotagenus hordeumgenus hoheriagenus hirundogenus halcyongenus gorillagenus dionaeagenus cydoniagenus crocutagenus coryphagenus corylusgenus columbagenus colinusgenus ciconiagenus calypsogenus anomalagenus amazonagalveston bayfrench polishfrench personforehand shotfemale personfashion platefaroe islandselihu thomsoneleonora duseeero saarinenedward westoneconomy classecho soundingearnest moneydressing gowndress uniformdrag one's feetdouble visiondesire to knowdenis diderotcustomer's mancross examinecowper's glandcovered standcover versioncost increasecornmeal mushcooking stovecontext of useconcave shapecompos mentiscommon personcoaster wagonclumsy personchosen peoplechicken stockcharnel housechange coursecervus nipponcell divisioncanister shotbronco busterbride's bonnetbrain surgeonbowling scorebos grunniensauguste rodinauction houseat close rangeascension dayarnold gesellarbutus unedoanise camphoralthea gibsonall of a sudden4-dimensional3-dimensional2-dimensionalwrong-side-outword deafnesswinter savorywinslow homerwindsor greenwindow oysterwind exposurewilson's snipewhole shebangwestern worldwestern samoawestern poppywanted posterwalter pistonwalking horsevoting systemvon sternbergvon rundstedtvision defectviscose rayonvirgin's bowervirgin forestviolin lessonviolent stormvena peroneusvena comitansvaricose veinvapor densityus governmentup-to-datenessup to our necksunion soldieru.s. governmenttyrolean alpstwo-handed sawturn of phraseturn of eventstunnel visiontube-nosed battreasury bondtorsion angletone deafnesstime constanttennis lessontelephone settacit consentswedish kronasurface noisesunflower oilsun worshipersucking lousestupid personstudent unionstreet personstorm lanternstone parsleystone bramblesterling blocstepping downsteel companystation housestation agentstarnose molestaghorn fernstage monitorst. johns riversquirrel cornspotted skunkspotted hyenasporting lifespiny lobsterspider monkeysphenoid bonespearnose batspearmint oilspark counterspanish gorsespace stationsoybean plantsoybean floursouthern scupsouth vietnamsounding linesounding leadsound barriersorex 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ponsellerooming houserolando's arearoger shermanrocking horserock purslanerobert bunsenrhodesian manresting sporerelay stationreindeer mossrandom samplerainbow smeltquestion timequestion markqueen consortpudding stonepriscoan aeonpride oneselfpower stationpost exchangepositive muonportrait lenspork and beanspogonia roseapoa pratensispoa nemoralisplimsoll lineplant processplain clothespisiform bonepine grosbeakpigeon breastphone servicephil andersonpersonal nounpersonal loanpersonal foulpersonal carepersona gratapenobscot baypay as you earnparsons tablepars anterioroyster fungusoxalis cernuaowner's equityoriental soreorder sireniaorange balsamopen syllableopen sandwichononis repensone-way streetone of the boysomental bursaolympian zeusold testamentold style fontold man's beardocean sunfishnorwegian seanorway sprucenorthern scupnitrous oxideni-resist ironnew york stripnew york statenew york asterneedle biopsyneat's-foot oilnarrow escapenapier's bonesmystery novelmosquito fernmorris 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over fistgun enclosuregulf of naplesguest of honorground forcesgross revenuegrimes' goldengreen soybeangreen pea soupgreen goddessgrease monkeygrandma mosesgospel of johngordon settergoncalo alvesgolden spleengolden shinergolden pothosgolan heightsgodwin austengive one's bestginger rogersgiant sequoiagerman lessongeodesic linegenus zosteragenus zoarcesgenus xylosmagenus xylopiagenus xenopusgenus woodsiagenus urocyongenus trogiumgenus toxotesgenus tortrixgenus tineolagenus telopeagenus tadornagenus strymongenus stentorgenus sorghumgenus sophoragenus sonchusgenus solanumgenus sloaneagenus sillagogenus shortiagenus serenoagenus seneciogenus samolusgenus salsolagenus rorippagenus romneyagenus rodoliagenus robiniagenus raouliagenus pygopusgenus ptlorisgenus pteroisgenus psophiagenus protiumgenus proteusgenus procyongenus populusgenus pomoxisgenus pogoniagenus ploceusgenus pleionegenus pisoniagenus phoenixgenus phlomisgenus pavoniagenus pandiongenus paeoniagenus ozoniumgenus oxandragenus othonnagenus osmundagenus ortalisgenus ormosiagenus oriolusgenus orcinusgenus opuntiagenus onocleagenus oniscusgenus ondatragenus oleariagenus oestrusgenus ocyurusgenus octopusgenus ochromagenus notomysgenus nesokiagenus nerodiagenus neotomagenus nelumbogenus nanomiagenus mylodongenus moschusgenus monodongenus moniliagenus monesesgenus monardagenus momotusgenus mollugagenus menopongenus manihotgenus malosmagenus lycaeongenus lomatiagenus loganiagenus locustagenus lobotesgenus lobipesgenus lobeliagenus lagopusgenus lagodongenus koelliagenus kakatoegenus isoetesgenus ipomoeagenus ictonyxgenus hypoxisgenus homarusgenus hedeomagenus hatioragenus francoagenus formicagenus eustomagenus etropusgenus erodiumgenus eliomysgenus droseragenus dombeyagenus dipogongenus dicerosgenus delonixgenus cynomysgenus cynodongenus cyclopsgenus crangongenus cotinusgenus cotingagenus corokiagenus coluteagenus colubergenus colobusgenus coerebagenus chlorisgenus chelonegenus cetoniagenus celosiagenus caryotagenus cacajaogenus cabombagenus buchloegenus bucerosgenus bryoniagenus bombinagenus bomareagenus boletusgenus benzoingenus begoniagenus ballotagenus baiomysgenus arizonagenus ariommagenus argiopegenus antedongenus anemonegenus amsoniagenus amorphagenus alsobiagenus alopiusgenus aeoniumgenus adenotagenus abroniageneral storegasoline tankgasoline pumpgasoline gagegasoline bombgarden sorrelg. k. chestertonfrost heavingfrench sorrelfrench lessonfoveal visionfour horsemenfor the askingflowering ashfield soybeanfestuca ovinafencing swordfashion modelfamous personfalse saffronexpansion bitewing's tumourevery so ofteneuropean soleethmoid sinusessential oilernest waltonernest solvayepsilon toxinensiform leafenrico carusoelectron lensejection seatedmund wilsoneastern siouxeastern samoadry-stone walldressing roomdressing downdown syndromedouay versiondoris lessingdonald glaserdolman sleevediscount ratediamond statedevil's tonguedessert spoondental schooldefense forcedashing hopesdanseur nobledalea spinosacurling stonecrow pheasantcrossing overcross oneselfcrescent rollcrabby personcountry storecountry housecornish heathcontour sheetconsumer loanconstrue withconstantine iconsole tableconic sectioncongress shoecongress bootcone-nosed bugcompound lenscompass planecommon teaselcommon sorrelcommon shinercommon sharescommon scotercoffee funguscoding systemcoccid insectclosing pricechinese hollychinese goosechicken lousechess openingcheese fonduechange ownerschaise longuechaim soutinecentre of masscenter of masscaudine forkscaryota urenscarl andersonbuster keatonbusiness loanbroca's centerbring outsidebring oneselfbrass sectionbouvet islandbouncing bessboston rockerbody snatcherblarney stonebladder stonebinder's boardbighorn sheepbeaked salmonbeach erosionbacon and eggsarsenic grouparna bontempsangiotensin iandre mauroisanchovy sauceanchovy pasteanas penelopeage of consentadmission feeadder's tongueacaroid resinabies lowiana12-tone system
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