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12-Letter Words Containing: N,D,E

 (In Any Order)
There are 3,465 12 letter words, 905 12 letter phrases and 0 12 letter abbr's with N,D,E in.

Best Scoring 12 Letter Words With: N,D,E

38 nounn

• a drug (trade names Atarax and Vistaril) used as a tranquilizer to treat anxiety and motion sickness

35 nounn
Valid word for Scrabble US
32 verb, adjectivev, adj

• pose a threat to; present a danger to

• put at risk

32 adjectiveadj
Valid word for Scrabble US
31 verb, adjectivev, adj

• To calm (a person or animal) or put them to sleep using a drug.

• To make (something or someone) tranquil.

• To become tranquil.

31 nounn

• A chemical compound (C6H5CHO) consisting of a benzene ring with an aldehyde substituent.

• Any of various derivatives of benzaldehyde.

31 verbv

• change from a simple vowel to a diphthong

30 adjectiveadj
adjective satellite

• operating in unison

30 verbv
Valid word for Scrabble US
30 verb, adjectivev, adj

• To engage in trade; to carry on commerce.

• To engage in in-store promotion of the sale of goods, as by display and arrangement of goods.

• To engage in the trade of.

• To engage in in-store promotion of the sale of.

• To promote as if for sale.

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Tip: Scrabble EU allows far more words than US! Also change the max length to see more words.

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window washerwindow screenwild geraniumwheel and axlewedding guestways and meanswanted noticeviolent deathvin ordinaireverde antiquevena radialisunkind persontried and truetrade expensetrade editiontime and againthree hundredthomas edisontea-like drinktax deductiontake kindly tosyringa emodisundew familystock-in-tradestaten islandstanding wavest. vitus dancespice islandssong and danceskin and bonessir henry woodsigrid undsetsigmund freudside entranceshoulder boneshetland ponysend a messagesecond sackersecond personsecond naturesecond estatesecond empiresecond comingsecond bananasecond adventsciaenid fishscarf bandagesausage houndsaint bernardrobert de niroriver dolphinred giant starread-only filerandom memoryputter aroundpromised landpotter aroundpoint of orderplant diseaseperching birdpease puddingparcel of landoswald veblenordinary careorder ranalesorder odonataorder araneaeorder acarinaold line stateold ironsidesoff one's guardnot surprisednew zealandernew world chatnew englandernevado sajamanematode wormnatural ordermrs. henry woodmodus vivendimodern balletmethod actingmedal of honormeasuring rodmary magdalenmarried womanmandrake rootlinden familylife-and-deathlieder singerleading lightlaw of the landlatent periodlanding placelanded estatelake dwellingkonrad lorenzjoseph conradjimmy durantejames baldwinironwood treeinjured partyindoor gardenindian relishindian milletin short orderhydroxide ionhunted personhoneyed wordshoming deviceheart and soulhead coveringharold pinterhard currencyhannah arendtguiana shieldground tackleground strokegreen lead oregreat hundredgrand larcenygolden orioleglenoid fossagladstone baggilding metalgibson desertgenus testudogenus taxideagenus sardinagenus madoquagenus hordeumgenus hirundogenus giardiagenus draculagenus dionaeagenus deutziagenus cydoniagenus carduusgazelle houndgauze bandagegarden rocketgarden of edenfrancis drakeforehand shotfolding moneyflash weldingfernand legerfaroe islandsethanoic acideleonora duseedward westonedward gibbonedouard manetedmund maloneedmund halleyedmond halleyedith whartonedible bananaecho soundingdriving wheeldriving forcedressing sackdressing gowndress uniformdrawing powerdrainage areadrag one's feetdouble visiondonkey jacketdonkey enginedisplay paneldinner bucketdeverbal noundesire to knowdesert iguanadental cariesdenis diderotdecimal pointdecanoic aciddebit balancedeath benefitdead languageday blindnessdavid riesmandari languagedale carnegiecyanide groupcrepe de chinecranial indexcowper's glandcovered wagoncovered standconcord grapecochon de laitcivil defensecircle aroundchinese deitychemical bondcentre spreadcell divisioncascade rangecandy stripercandle holdercalendar weekbusiness dealbuilding codebrunei dollarbride's bonnetbreak dancingbody coveringboard meetingblack-and-bluebeyond a doubtbenny goodmanbedding plantbatting orderbang's diseasebanded purpleback of beyondauguste rodinascension dayarnold palmerarnold gesellarbutus unedoanwar el-sadatandrzej wajdaandrew huxleyandre malrauxalnus veridisall of a suddenalfred kinseyalexander iiiaegean islandadrenal glandadenylic acidacid hydrogen4-dimensional3-dimensional2-dimensionalzinc sulphidezend languageyard-long beanwrong-side-outword deafnesswonder flowerwitness standwindward sidewindsor greenwindow oysterwind exposurewild mandrakewild angelicawestland pinewestern worldweighted meanwedding partywedding nightwedding marchwedding dresswedding chestwanted posterwandering jewvon rundstedtvision defectvirginia wadevirginia deervinyl cyanidevery reverendvenus's girdlevenn's diagramvena diploicavapor densityvandyke brownvandyke beardvalentine dayvalance boardurdu languageupland ploverup-to-datenessunslaked limeunpaid workerunmarried manunited statesunion soldiertwo-handed sawtufted puffintube-nosed battreasury bondtrained nursetrailing edgetrade balancetour de francetone deafnesstoda languagetitanic oxidetime and a halftidal currentticket windowthunder snakethird basemanteeing groundtax avoidancetax 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benedictrudolf serkinrounded vowelround the bendronald reaganrolando's areario de janeiroringside seatrifleman birdrifle grenaderiding masterride the benchrhodesian manreindeer mossrefried beansrefined sugarreferred painreducing dietred underwingred pimpernelred lauan treered clintoniared baneberryreaper binderrandom samplerana cascadaerailroad vinerailroad lineradio antennaradial enginequeen dowagerquarter roundquarter poundquandong treepudendal veinpudendal slitpudding stonepudding berryprince edwardpride-of-indiapride oneselfpregnant chadpower loadingpowder monkeypork and beansplaying fieldpile dwellingpiet mondrianphil andersonphenylic acidpersian deitypecking orderpeasant dresspass judgmentparade groundpainted daisyoverhand knotorder sireniaopen sandwichon the one handoleander fernold testamentold style fontold man's beardold icelandicodd-even checknuphar advenanude paintingnubian desertnitrous oxidenipple shieldnew world opahnew caledonianew amsterdamneedle blightneedle biopsynaval academynational debtnapaea dioicanaked mole ratmustard agentmourning dovemound buildermorris dancermorning dressmonkey laddermonkey bridgemonkey aroundmoney handlermonetary fundmodifier genemodern hebrewmixed farmingmixed economymine disposalmine detectorminato bridgemeter readingmetallic bondmerry-go-roundmedicine ballmean solar daymean distancemarket gardenmanfred eigenmanduca sextaman-made fibermaiden voyagemaiden flightmagnetic headmagnetic drummagnetic diskmagnetic discmadia eleganslounge lizardlounge aroundlong-eared owllong-eared batlodging houseliver puddingliquid oxygenlinoleic acidline of creditlibyan desertleopard plantleaf-nosed batleaded bronzelead arsenatelawson's cedarlast judgmentlantern slidelanding stagelanding fieldlanded gentrylancet windowlady jane greyknut pedersenknuckle underkit and boodlekingwood treekilling fieldkanmon bridgejuvenile bodyjudgment lienjudgement dayjohn rutledgejohn endicottjohn endecottjohann mendeljob candidatejessica tandyjapanese deerjames madisonjacques monoditalian breadiron overloadionic dialectinverted hanginterior doorinside clinchinsect powderinnocents' dayinner productink cartridgeinfrared lampindirect fireindian summerindian madderindian cherryindelible inkincense cedarin other wordsin dishabilleidiom neutralidentity cardiceland poppyiced-tea spoonhydrogen bondhydrogen atomhunting lodgehunting guidehouse husbandhorse tradinghorned violethorned puffinhorned lizardhood ornamenthoney buzzardhindu numeralhexanoic acidherring saladheroin addicthero sandwichhere and therehenry villardheavenly bodyhead linesmanhasty defensehasty defencehartford fernhand throttlehand over fisthand and gloveground rollerground forcesground effectground cherryground beetlegroined vaultgrimes' goldengrey kingbirdgrey floundergregor mendelgreeting cardgreenland seagreen goddessgray floundergrandma mosesgrand marniergrand duchessgordon settergolden yarrowgolden willowgolden wattlegolden threadgolden spleengolden shinergolden pothosgolden plovergolden jackalgolden fleecegodwin austenglobal demandgland diseasegerminal discgeodesic linegenus woodsiagenus vedaliagenus tadornagenus rodoliagenus radyeragenus psidiumgenus pandiongenus oxandragenus osmundagenus ondatragenus nerodiagenus mylodongenus monodongenus monardagenus manducagenus linderagenus limandagenus lagodongenus hedeomagenus eudermagenus erodiumgenus ephedragenus enhydragenus droseragenus dombeyagenus discinagenus dipogongenus dicerosgenus depariagenus delonixgenus dasypusgenus darmeragenus daphniagenus cynodongenus cedrelagenus cardiumgenus candidagenus ardisiagenus antedongenus aneidesgenus andrenagenus aeridesgenus adlumiagenus adenotagenus adeniumgenus adelgesgaudi i cornetgarden violetgarden trowelgarden statergarden spidergarden sorrelgarden rollergarden orachefrontage roadfringed geckofriendly firefriedman testfreudian slipfrench windowfrench endiveformal gardenforeign draftfore-and-afterflying bridgefloyd bennettflower gardenfirst readingfinnan haddiefield windingfield spanielfield soybeanfield sandburfield of honorfield generalfetid bugbaneferdinand iiifencing swordfence mendingfeeding chairfederal agentfashion modelfagus pendulaeye conditionexotic dancerevening dresseuropean toadethmoid sinusenglish daisyengine driverenfilade fireen deshabilleelephant birdeggs benedictegg-and-tongueegg-and-anchoregadi islandsedward jenneredmund wilsonedmond maloneeccrine glandeau de cologneeaster sundaydwarf juniperdutch leonarddundathu pinedryland berrydry-stone walldropping zonedrop-down menudriving rangedrilling pipedressing roomdressing downdressing casedrawing tabledrawing paperdrainage welldown syndromedouble tonguedouble clinchdouay versiondormer windowdoris lessingdonut machinedonkey boilerdonald glaserdomino theorydomino effectdominant genedolman sleevedolman jacketdnieper riverdivinyl etherdiving petreldivine officedivine comedydividing linedistrict linedispense withdiscount ratedirect actiondipole momentdinner napkindinner jacketdiesel enginediamond statedevil's turnipdevil's tonguedessert spoondesk sergeantdesigner drugdeontic logicdental schooldental plaquedenmark veseydeng xiaopingdelonix regiadefense forcedefence forcedeath warrantdeath penaltydead on targetdaytona beachday jessaminedate-nut breaddashing hopesdarling riverdaphne familydanseur nobledanse macabredaniel ortegadaniel morgandance of deathdalea spinosadaba languagecylinder lockcylinder headcup and saucercrete dittanycredit ratingcredit crunchcovalent bondcone-nosed bugconcert grandconcert dancecompound lenscompound leafcold medicinecold gangrenecoding systemcoccid insectclenched fistcleaning ladyclean and jerkcider vinegarchilean cedarchild neglectchicken saladchenille cordcheese fonduechange of mindchampion lodecenter spreadcell doctrinecedrus libanicedar waxwingcaudine forkscarl van dorencarl andersoncarinate birdcardinal veincape cod canalcannon foddercandlemas daycandied fruitcandied applecandid cameracanada violetcanada gingercalendar yearcalcined limebusiness cardburgundy winebuilding sitebring outsidebreaking windbreadth indexbrain diseasebox end wrenchbouvet islandboundary lineboron nitridebordeaux winebook of danielboiled dinnerbody snatcherbody languageblonde lilianblind gentianblessed eventbladder stonebladder sennabitter almondbinder's boardbig enchiladabicycle standbib-and-tuckerbetween decksbetty friedanbermudian rigbermuda onionbend sinisterbelly dancingbear down uponbeaked salmonbeading planebead and quirkbanker's draftband togetherballet dancerbalanced dietbaking powderbade languagebacon and eggsaxillary nodeauld langsyneash wednesdayante meridiemangled loofahandrey markovandrew mellonandrew d. whiteandrei markovandre mauroisandre markoffandre maginotandre le notreandean condoranadama breadamerican toadalmond cookiealizarine redagnes de milleadvent sundayadmission feeadder's tongueacaroid resinacademic gownabies grandisa. testudineus
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