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12-Letter Words Containing: E,N,U,R

 (In Any Order)
There are 2,152 12 letter words, 707 12 letter phrases and 0 12 letter abbr's with E,N,U,R in.

Best Scoring 12 Letter Words With: E,N,U,R

32 adjectiveadj
Valid word for Scrabble US
31 verb, adjectivev, adj

• To calm (a person or animal) or put them to sleep using a drug.

• To make (something or someone) tranquil.

• To become tranquil.

30 nounn

• a drug used to reduce stress or tension without reducing mental clarity

30 verbv

• make calm or still

• cause to be calm or quiet as by administering a sedative to

30 verbv

• To calm (a person or animal) or put them to sleep using a drug.

• To make (something or someone) tranquil.

• To become tranquil.

29 noun, adjectiven, adj
Valid word for Scrabble US
28 verbv

• To qualify again; to renew a qualification.

28 verbv
Valid word for Scrabble US
28 nounn
Valid word for Scrabble US
28 nounn

• The diphenol para-dihydroxy benzene, used as a mild reducing agent in photographic developing; isomeric with catechol and resorcinol.

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Tip: Scrabble EU allows far more words than US! Also change the max length to see more words.

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Words (2152)
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wild geraniumvoter turnoutvolute springverde antiquevannevar bushurban renewalup to your neckunwritten lawunkind personuniversal setunciform boneumbrella tentturnover ratetried and truetreasury notetreasure huntthree hundredterminus a quosurgeon's knotsuburban areastraighten upskin eruptionsigrid undsetsigmund freudshoulder boneshaft furnacesense of humorsecond naturesciurus nigerrun-of-the-millrisky venturerhesus monkeyrate of returnputter aroundput one acrosspulse counterprice gougingprice cuttingpress cuttingpotter aroundport-au-princeperuvian barkpaul verlaineouter garmentoff one's guardnot surprisednot intrusivenew brunswicknatural shapenatural ordernatural fibrenatural fibernatural eventnative sulfurmusical genremountain rosemount shermanmount rainiermount everestmetrical unitmeasuring rodlusus naturaelurking placelow countrieslounging robelong trouserslatin quarterlanguage areakurt vonnegutjoint venturejimmy durantejapan currentivan turgenevinquiry agentinput routineinjured partyin perpetuityhunter's saucehunted personhunger strikehuman processhouse servanthelen traubelheart and soulhard currencyguinean francguinea grainsground tackleground strokegreenish bluegreat hundredglenn curtissgeorge enescugenus viverragenus varanusgenus trionyxgenus torreyagenus thrinaxgenus tarsiusgenus tarichagenus tapirusgenus tamarixgenus syringagenus sturnusgenus sphyrnagenus silurusgenus seriolagenus scombergenus sciurusgenus sardinagenus saimirigenus rumohragenus rhamnusgenus primulagenus porzanagenus papavergenus pagurusgenus osmerusgenus muscarigenus marmotagenus makairagenus liriopegenus hordeumgenus hoheriagenus hirundogenus gorillagenus giardiagenus freesiagenus eucaryagenus epacrisgenus draculagenus cyperusgenus crocutagenus coryphagenus corylusgenus cirsiumgenus carissagenus carduusgenus brassiagenus ascarisgenus artemiagenus armeriagenus arachisgenus apteryxfuneral marchencroach uponeleonora duseedouard manetdress uniformdinner bucketdeverbal noundesert iguanadari languagecyanide groupcustomer's mancurrent of aircubital nervecounter checkcornmeal mushclumsy personcircle aroundcharnel housechange coursecervus nipponcentury plantcarl linnaeusbusiness firmburgeon forthbrunei dollarbronco busterbrain surgeonbos grunniensblast furnacebenjamin rushbavarian bluebanded purpleauguste rodinarbutus unedoanimal natureangular shapeandrew huxleyandre malrauxalnus veridisajuga reptansacne vulgarisabutment archabelian groupzaar languageyellow turnipwrong-side-outwinter squashwind exposurewhite russianwhite currantwarren burgervon rundstedtvitus behringvenus's girdlevenus' slippervena peroneususnea barbataus governmenturdu languageupper jawboneupper balconyupland ploverup to our necksunpaid workerunmarried manunion soldieruniate churchumbrella pineumbrella fernulysses grantu.s. governmenttyrian purpleturnip greensturn of phraseturn of eventstulipa armenatruelove knottrue mahoganytreasury bondtrained nursetour de francetorque wrenchtidal currentthunder snaketera languageteeing groundtangent curvetable turningsurinam riversurface noisesupreme beingsunken gardensunflower oilsun worshipersugar snap peasubalpine firstupid personstudent nursestriped skunkstreet urchinstrange quarksteam turbinesquirrel cornsquare dancerspurge nettlespring beautyspiral nebulasphyrna tudesspectrum linespark countersoybean floursouthern scupsound barriersorex araneussolar furnacesnuffbox fernsnow-in-summersnack countersmall fortunesilent butlershoe industryserum albuminsenior statussan pedro sularuth benedictrussian riverrussian oliveruntime errorrunning titlerunning nooserun-time errorrun-of-the-minerudolf serkinrubber cementrounded vowelround the bendrose geraniumrose chestnutrooming houseroman numeralrock purslanerock geraniumrobert fultonrobert bunsenrevenue stampreturn ticketreptile genusrenal failurerefined sugarreducing dietred underwingred lauan treerambutan treequinine waterquestion markquercus nigraqueen regnantqueen mole ratqueen dowagerqueen consortquarter roundquarter poundquandong treeputting greenpurse stringspurple martinpurkinje cellpudding berryprussian bluepruning knifeprince rupertpressure unitpouter pigeonpit-run gravelpisum arvensepicture planepiano quartetphenolic ureaperuvian lilypersonal nounpersonal foulpencil pusherpeanut butterpay as you earnparade groundoyster fungusoxalis cernuaowner's equityopen fractureomental bursaoctane numberocean currentnutrient agarnutmeg flowernusa tenggaranursery rhymenuphar advenanumber systemnucleus nigernuclear powernubian desertnorway sprucenorthern scupnitrous oxidenewburg saucenerve impulsenatural statenatural resinnaegele's rulemustard agentmustagh rangemurine typhusmuon neutrinomourning dovemountain ricemountain fernmound buildermother tonguemosquito fernmonkey aroundmonetary unitmonetary fundmizzen coursemiri languagemint geraniumminor surgeryminor leaguermerry-go-roundmeringue kissmeasuring cupmartin luthermarine turtlemarine musselmarine museummarine iguanamari languagemarch 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swertiagenus strymongenus stentorgenus spyeriagenus spirulagenus spiraeagenus sorghumgenus sophoragenus shortiagenus setariagenus serinusgenus serenoagenus seiurusgenus scirpusgenus rutilusgenus russulagenus rorippagenus romneyagenus rodoliagenus robiniagenus rivulusgenus ripariagenus ricinusgenus regulusgenus raouliagenus ranatragenus radyeragenus quercusgenus pyralisgenus ptlorisgenus pteroisgenus protiumgenus proteusgenus procyongenus pristisgenus praunusgenus planeragenus pirangagenus perillagenus percinagenus packeragenus oxandragenus ortalisgenus ormosiagenus oriolusgenus orcinusgenus ondatragenus oleariagenus oestrusgenus ocyurusgenus ochromagenus nerodiagenus myrsinegenus myrrhisgenus monardagenus marantagenus macluragenus lythrumgenus lyrurusgenus luvarusgenus lunariagenus listeragenus liparisgenus linderagenus linariagenus liatrisgenus lamprisgenus lacertagenus iresinegenus icterusgenus icteriagenus homarusgenus hatioragenus gymnuragenus grampusgenus graculagenus giraffagenus 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