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12-Letter Words Containing: E,A,T,E

 (In Any Order)
There are 3,092 12 letter words, 929 12 letter phrases and 0 12 letter abbr's with E,A,T,E in.

Best Scoring 12 Letter Words With: E,A,T,E

36 nounn

• disagreeable aftereffects from the use of drugs (especially alcohol)

• loud confused noise from many sources

35 nounn
Valid word for Scrabble US
31 nounn
Valid word for Scrabble US
29 verb, adjectivev, adj
adjective satellite

• having been put in alphabetical order

29 verb, adjectivev, adj

• regard as objective

• make external or objective, or give reality to

29 verb, adjectivev, adj

• remove the vas deferens

29 verbv

• To describe in terms of a mathematical equation.

29 noun, adjectiven, adj
Valid word for Scrabble US
28 verbv

• describe or portray the character or the qualities or peculiarities of

• be characteristic of

28 nounn

• A film archive with small cinemas, screening classic and art-house films.

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Tip: Scrabble EU allows far more words than US! Also change the max length to see more words.

All 12 Letter Words

Words (3092)
Phrases (929)
yellow jacketwolfram steelwhite lead orewetting agentwestern larchweaver's hitchweapon systemwatering holewater blisterwaste of moneywanted noticeviolent deathverde antiquevena hepaticauniversal setumbrella tenttwo-way streetturnover ratetrue bacteriatrouble makertried and truetree kangarootreasury notetreasure hunttrade expensetrade editiontoken paymenttime intervalthree-base hitthree-year-oldthomas beckettenpenny nailtennis playertenant farmertea-like drinktavern keepertack togethersweet cassavastorage spacestone breakerstephen cranesteering gearstatute titlestate senatorstage settingsparkle metalspace shuttlesnellen chartside entranceshelf bracketsheet of papersecond naturesecond estatesecond adventseason ticketsash fastenersara teasdalesamuel butlerroulette ballroman lettersrobert gravesrental incomerecord jacketreal propertyrate of returnratchet wheelpublic debateprinter cableprice bracketprairie statepoet laureatepleasure tripplant diseaseplane sectionpicture framepetit larcenypeter medawarpeter abelardpatent officepart of speechparietal bonepack togetherouter garmentorder cetaceaorder cestidaold wives' taleold line stateobstacle racenesting placeneolithic agenematode wormnatural eventmusic teachermodern balletmoderate galemental objectmental energymeeting placemarket lettermarket keeperman of lettersmale genitalslocative rolelike an expertlife-and-deathlienal arteryleast bitternlaurel wreathlatent periodlatency stagelash togetherlanded estatekitchen rangejules maigretjan tinbergenjames thurberjacques ibertjacob epsteinivan turgenevivan the greathunter's saucehouse servanthorse blankethoosier statehernan cortezhernan corteshelen traubelheart-to-heartheart of dixiehawkeye statehard-to-pleasegreat hundredgreat electorgreat belliedgranite stategod the fatherglove leathergenus torreyagenus tolmieagenus tectonagenus taxideagenus tagetesgenus pimentagenus mustelagenus lepiotagenus deutziagenus attaleagenus artemiagenus apteryxgenus anethumgenus althaeagenre paintergeneral staffgeneral agentgene mutationgarden rocketg-series agentfrom the heartfixed storagefemale parentfaecal matterevent plannerernst haeckelelephant sealel libertadoregretta thulaedward westonedouard manetearnest moneydraw togetherdrag one's feetdonkey jacketdisaster areadisagree withdesert iguanadental cariesdebit balancedeath benefitday of the weekdaughter cellcubital nervecraig ventnercracked wheatcovered standcost increasecinema veritecentre spreadcattle plaguecasey stengelcanistel treecalabash treec. diphtheriaebushel basketbuckeye statebrigate rossebrewer's yeastbreast cancerbottle capperboard meetingbeta receptorbenjamin westbeet armywormbeehive statebattle of wakebattle of jenabattle damagebateau bridgebaseball teamaxis vertebraauguste comteathletic typeathletic gameathene noctuaat close rangearrester hookarena theaterareca catechuapple fritterangle bracketancient greekallspice treeair travelleraegates islesacetate rayonacademic termabsentee rateyosemite toadyangtze riverwine merchantwild sweet peawicker basketwhorled asterwhite wax treewhite seabasswhite saniclewhite pelicanwhite leatherwhite heatherwhite featherwhite croakerwhite crappiewhite arsenicwheat eelwormwestland pinewestern samoawest germanicwelsh rarebitwelfare stateweighted meanweight gainerweather stripweather sheetweather radarweather chartwayne gretzkywave equationwatered stockwater trumpetwater striderwater spanielwater scooterwater projectwater lobeliawater lettucewater hemlockwater cabbagewarm the benchwar secretarywanted posterwalter raleghvocative casevitelline sacvisual defectvetluga riververtical filevenereal wartvena rectalisvena popliteavegetable waxvegetable oilvarietal winevan beethovenvan allen beltvalentine dayup-to-datenessunited statesun-come-at-ableumbrella treetube-nosed battrue marmosettrestle tabletree of heaventreasure shiptraverse citytraveler's joytravel agencytramp steamertrained nursetrailing edgetrade embargotrade deficittrade barriertrade balancetracheal veintracer bullettrace elementtower of babeltour de francetotal eclipsetoothed whaletone languagetone deafnesstodea superbato that extentto that effectto that degreethunder snakethomas dekkerthomas deckertheatre stagetheatre of wartheater stagetheater of wartheater lightthe maritimestexas leaguertest-tube babyterbium metaltera languagetennis rackettemporal veintemporal roletemporal lobetemporal bonetemple orangetelex machinetelegraph keyteam teachingtassel flowertartare saucetartar emetictar heel statetappet wrenchtape recordertangent planetangent curvetammy wynettetamarind treetake the standtake the stagetake the floortake the fifthtake the fieldtake the counttake in chargetaffeta weavetable servicesyrian desertsweet williamsweet calamussweet alyssumsuede leatherstuffed dermastriped racerstriped maplestriped hyenastrike leaderstreet smartsstrainer vinestone parsleystone bramblesterling areasteel-wool padsteel factorysteel companysteam whistlesteam turbinesteam heatingsteam ejectorsteak tartarestay togetherstate trooperstate tax lienstate of gracestarved asterstarnose molestage whisperstage managerstacker cranest. elias rangespy satellitespotted hyenaspotted crakespin the platespencer tracyspeed skatingspecific heatspecial agentspearnose batspear throwerspear thistlespeaking tubespathe flowerspace latticesotadic versesomatic sensesoft ice creamsnooker tablesnap fastenersleep talkingslap togetherskittle alleyskillet breadsilver wattlesidereal timeshaft encodersex charactersewing basketsewage systemservice staffsergeant fishseptal defectsensitive peasense of tastesemantic roleselling agentsedative drugsecret ballotseasoned saltsealskin tentscratch sheetscots heathersciatic nervescene painterscarlet plumescarlet maplescarlet feversawyer beetlesatchel paigesantee dakotasandarac treesalt-free dietsalient anglesahara desertsafety devicesaddle oysterrumex acetosarote learningrotary enginerosetta stonerochelle saltrobert e. pearyringside seatrichter scalerevolve aboutreverse faultrevenue stampretama raetamretail marketreserve ratiorene magrittereflex actionred-letter dayred-lead puttyred lauan treerectal reflexrectal arteryreality checkreaction timeraw vegetablerated voltageratbite feverramjet enginerambutan treeraise the roofradio theatreradio theaterquite a littlequinine waterquill featherqueen regnantqueen mole ratquarter platequarter horsequandong treepuppet leaderprince albertprairie asterpractice gamepower takeoffpotter's earthpott's diseasepotato beetlepostage meterpost exchangepleasure boatplantain treeplace settingpigeon breastpieter zeemanpicture planepiano teacherphatic speechpetty larcenypersian deitypeople's partypelican statepectoral veinpeasant dresspeanut butterpatent systempasture brakepartridge peaparticle beamparking meterparietal lobeparadise treepants presserpanel heatingpallas athenepalette knifepalatine veinpalatine bonepackage storeotto the greatoriental soreorder taxalesorder dipteraoperator geneopen intervalopen fractureone-way streeton the one handon the averageold testamentocular helmetoctane numberocean currentnubian desertnew york statenew york asternew testamentnew amsterdamnettle familynerve pathwaynelumbo luteanegative polenegative muonnecklace treenative orangenaked mole ratmyelin sheathmusical thememovie theatremovie theatermovable feastmother teresamortgage deedmonkey jacketmojave desertmohave desertmineral watermickey mantlemethyl orangemeter readingmeteor streammental healthmedial rectusmean distancemeadow beautymartes martesmarket squaremarket gardenmarket forcesmarine turtlemargaret meadmaltese crossmaitre d'hotelmaine lobstermahogany treemagnetic tapemagnetic polemagnetic minemagnetic headmagnetic coreluncheon meatlumber jacketlong-eared batlocative caselivery stablelittle leaguelittle barleyliteral errorline of battlelieutenant jglicense platelibyan desertlexical entrylemon extractlee's birthdaylee strasbergleather stripleast squaresleaning towerleaf-nosed batleaded petrollead chromatelead arsenatelay on the linelatency phaselast respectslaser printerlarge integerlantern wheellantern slidelanded gentrylamb's lettucelamaze methodlady's tressesklammath weedkitchen tablekey signaturekenneth clarkjuvenile wartjudgement dayjointer planejavelle waterjames stewartinverted hanginterest rateinnate reflexiced-tea spoonhydrated limehouse trailerhouse painterhotel managerhorseshoe bathorse gentianhomestead lawhilbert spacehertzian wavehere and therehenri matisseheir apparenthedge mustardheavy torpedoheavenly cityheart surgeryheart surgeonheart massageheart failureheart diseasehead registerhazelnut treehaute cuisinehaute couturehasty defensehasty defenceharvest mouseharley streethang togetherhagberry treegreeting cardgreen gentiangreen foxtailgreek capitalgreater scaupgreat ragweedgreat mulleingreat lobeliagreat grey owlgravity metergrated cheesegolden wattlegolden threadgoat antelopegerman milletgenus zosteragenus wyethiagenus winteragenus turreaegenus tineolagenus telopeagenus tellimagenus swertiagenus setariagenus petuniagenus patellagenus nitellagenus neotomagenus mitellagenus listeragenus lacertagenus kakatoegenus icteriagenus genistagenus genettagenus fregatagenus festucagenus eustomagenus enteleagenus egrettagenus cyatheagenus cratevagenus coluteagenus clethragenus cetoniagenus certhiagenus carettagenus astreusgenus astilbegenus antedongenus aletrisgenus alectisgenus aethusagenus adenotagentleman jimgenitive casegenital stagegenital phasegeneral storegateleg tablegaseous stategarden violetgarden trowelgarden staterfusible metalfulmar petrelfuller's earthfriedman testfreight agentfreedom partyfourth estateforeign agentfore-and-afterfood elevatorfleet admiralflatbed pressfiesta flowerfeudal systemfetid bugbanefertile phaseferret badgerfelis ocreatafederal partyfederal courtfederal agentfeast of weeksfast of estherfare-thee-wellfanjet enginefalse witnessfalse verdictfalse trufflefalse heatherface the musiceye operationexternal gillexpansive bitexotic dancerexhaust valveexhaust fumesexchange rateevery quartereuropean toadethyl acetateeternal sleepestimated taxessential oilescape experternest waltonernest solvayentrance hallentrance examelongate leafelliptic leafelias canettielevator girlelephant's earelephant treeelephant birdelectron beamelectric mainelectric lampejection seategyptian beanegretta albusegg-and-tongueedward telleredward d. whiteeastern turkieastern siouxeastern samoaeaster sundayeaster cactuseast germaniceast china seaearth sciencedominant genedirect mailerdinner jacketdiabetic dietdeutsche markdessert platedessert appledesk sergeantdeparture taxdental plaquedeep fat fryerdeath penaltydeath chamberdead on targetdead metaphordate-nut breaddaniel ortegadance of deathcrete dittanycredit bureaucream pitcherconsole tableconcert dancecomputer gamecommon teaselcomedy balletcologne watercoaster brakecnut the greatclotted creamclap togethercitrange treecinchona treechristmas evechopped steakchocolate eggchile tarweedchief of statecharacter setcentre of masscentral vowelcenter spreadcenter of massceliac arterycaveat emptorcause to sleepcause of deathcassette tapecassette deckcashmere goatcash registercarte blanchecarpet beetlecarpet beatercarpenter beecarpenter antcapitate bonecape hatterascape flatterycampeche citycairn terriercable's lengthbuyers' marketbuyer's marketbutterfly peabutcher paperbuster keatonbuck sergeantbroca's centerbreast pocketbreast of vealbreaker pointbreadth indexbracket creepbracelet woodbottled waterbooster cablebomber jacketblarney stonebladder stonebitter orangebijugate leafbetula leuteabetty friedanbeta softwarebeta particlebeta centauribenefit albumbeatrice webbbeat a retreatbearing metalbeach heatherbayes' theorembasket flowerbartlett pearband togetherballet masterballet dancerbalanced dietbalance sheetback entranceatopic eczemaatomic energyathletic wearathlete's footat any expenseasthenic typeasteroid beltartesian wellarteria ileumartaxerxes iianthem tranceante meridiemanimate beingandrew d. whiteandre le notrealetris aureaalbert gore jr.albert edwardagentive roleagent-in-placeage of consentafternoon teaaffected roleaedes aegyptiadhesive tapeadder's tongueabsolute zeroablative caseabies venustaa. testudineus
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