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11-Letter Words Containing: E,A,R,S

 (In Any Order)
There are 5,453 11 letter words, 987 11 letter phrases and 0 11 letter abbr's with E,A,R,S in.

Best Scoring 11 Letter Words With: E,A,R,S

31 nounn
Valid word for Scrabble US
31 nounn

• the host or chairman of a radio or tv quiz show or panel game

31 nounn

• mild white Italian cheese

31 verb, nounv, n

• a hammer driven by compressed air

30 noun, adjectiven, adj

• a person who commiserates with someone who has had misfortune

• someone who shares your feelings or opinions and hopes that you will be successful

30 verbv

• pose a threat to; present a danger to

• put at risk

29 nounn
Valid word for Scrabble US
28 nounn

• a disparaging term for an unsophisticated person

• a Confederate guerrilla during the American Civil War

Valid word for Scrabble US
28 nounn
Valid word for Scrabble US
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Tip: Scrabble EU allows far more words than US! Also change the max length to see more words.

All 11 Letter Words

Words (5453)
Phrases (987)
zip fastenerwork surfacewiener roastweenie roastweather sidewater spiritwater closetwaste matterwash-and-wearveterans' dayvespa crabrotrojan horsetribal sheiktransit linetissue layerthresh aboutthomas moorethird sackerthird estatesyntax errorsweet talkersweater girlsurface shipstriped bassstrike a blowstretch markstreet smartstorage tankstorage cellstorage areastock traderstock raisersteve martinstatue makerstate prisonstaple fibrestage frightstage directstaff memberspring breakspecial juryspace writersophia lorensooner stateslip of papersleeping carslave driverslave dealersir lancelotsimple sugarsilver statesilver medalsignal towershower stallshoe leathership's paperssheet anchorsharp tongueservice areaserial musicseparate outsensory hairsense taggersea crawfishscratch testscratch linescale factorsaving gracesalad greenssaddle horserubus idaeusrubbish heaprotary pressroad surfacerice steamerribbon snakerex harrisonretail storerebecca westreal storageransom moneyquark cheesepure absenceplaster overplaster castpicea rubenspasture landparrot's beakostrea gigasorder aralesnew year's evenervus vagusne plus ultramuriel sparkmormon statemeteor swarmmesua ferreamesozoic eramenai straitmeadow grassmary shelleymare nostrumman-on-a-horsemackerel skylower statuslower saxonylocal streetlegal ousterleast effortkarl scheelekarl jaspersjames murrayjames monroeisaac singerirish gaelicira gershwininvert sugarhouse martinhorse traderhorse manurehorse balsamhigh treasonheart muscleharvest timeharvest homeharris tweedharness racehard surfacegross estategreat schismgreat plainsgood mannersgolden yearsgoing ashoregeorge segalgeorge lucasgenus viperagenus urticagenus tringagenus tetraogenus tarpongenus styraxgenus sternagenus rattusgenus raphusgenus proteagenus pecarigenus passergenus ostryagenus ostreagenus larreagenus krigiagenus daturagenus crambegenus castorgenus cancergenus brantagenus boragogenus asarumgenus arundogene sarazengarlic pressgarden stategarden spadegarden cressfree-and-easyfred astairefranz josef iflower stalkfirst estatefigure skatefemale horsefeather starfailure costevening stareruca sativaemerald isleelbow greaseedward sapireaster bunnydrill masterdrain basketdesert plantdasht-e-kavirdark glassesdanish kronecurved shapecopper's narkcontra danseclass periodchess playerchess mastercheshire catcharles ivescharge sheetcesar franckcensus takercastor fibercass gilbertcarl nielsencargo vesselcard sharpercaraway seedcapo passerobush leaguerbus terminalbrazos riverbond servantbog rosemarybody servantblack grouseblack forestbitter aloesbeta orionisbeaver statebearer stockbearded irisbear's breechbear witnessbattle dressbasket makerbarley grassbarber's polebarber's itchbanker's billbaling pressbald cypressbadger stateaverage costaster familyassam rubberaspect ratioasking pricearthur evansartemus wardarea studiesalthea roseaalbert camusalan shepardair sicknessage of reasonactor's agentactive trusta posteriori's gravenhagezero-sum gamezebra musselyard measurewriter's nameworsted yarnwool staplerwoman chaserwinter's barkwine stewardwillow asterwild parsleywhooper swanwhite slaverwhite russiawhisker jackwhale suckerwestern wallwestern toadwest germanywest africanwelsh rabbitwelfare casewelder's maskweaver's knotweather shipwater thrushwater systemwater supplywater spritewater skaterwater pistolwater locustwash leatherwar of nerveswalter scottwalker smithwabash rivervisual rangevipera berusvipera aspisviper's grassveterans dayvervain sagevena ulnarisvena renalisvelvet grassvas deferensvarnish treevariety showvan der waalsup the stairstuscan ordertumble grasstrue sparrowtrue jasminetree swallowtree sparrowtree fuchsiatreble stafftrash barreltrapper's teatransit zonetransfer taxtransfer rnatrades uniontrade secrettrade schooltobacco usertoaster oventissue papertinker's damntinea cruristimes squaretime sharingtidal streamthrust stagethrust aheadthorny skatethomas carewthames rivertexas rangerteacher's pettax assessortartar steaktartar saucetape measuretamil tigerstam-o'-shantersycamore figswivel chairswim bladdersweet resedasweet orangeswamp red oakswamp laurelsutural bonesurface soilsurface mailsurface liftsurface gagesurface firesurface areasunray pleatsugar of leadsugar cookiesubject areasuberic acidstrike a notestriate veinstriate bodystriate areastrep throatstreamer flystrain gaugestorm cellarstorage roomstorage ringstone martenstokes' asterstock marketstock farmersticky asterstern chaserstep forwardsteel guitarstearic acidsteamer clamsteam boilerstarch wheatstar jasminestar ipomoeastar chamberstar begoniastar aniseedstaple fiberstamp dealerstake driverstaging areastagger headstagger bushsquare metresquare metersquare dancesquare blocksputum smearspring waterspring scalespring heathsports arenasport jacketspinal nervespider plantspider brakespeed skaterspeech organspeaker unitspanish ricespace travelspace rocketspace heatersouthern taisouth koreansoured creamsound camerasoprano clefsolar systemsolar plexussolar heatersolar energysoda crackersnow leopardsnake feedersnake doctorsnail dartersnail buttersmooth astersmooth aldersmall storessmall personsmall lettersmall farmersleep aroundslave traderslave marketskirt chaserskeeter hawksitka sprucesitar playersister-in-lawsint maartensingle creamsinai desertsilver maplesilver grasssign paintersierra leonesidereal daysiberian elmshrimp sauceshovel boardshoulder padshoulder bagshort's astershort castleshore patrolshop stewardsheep laurelshamrock peaseyhan riversewage workssevero ochoaserving cartservice roadservice callservant girlserrate leafserpent starseparate offsenior classselling raceseed cleanersecret agentsecond molarseating roomseating areasearing ironsearch partysea wormwoodsea starwortsea scorpionsea of cortessea milkwortsea lavendersea eryngiumsea cucumbersea creaturescrotal veinscrew threadscreen saverscreen actorscratch racescrape alongscopes trialscire faciasscilla vernaschool paperscarlet bushscalar fieldsay farewellsausage rollsausage curlsauce albertsatsuma treesatin flowersargasso seasand verbenasand cricketsan marinesesamuel morsesambre riversalmon riversalmon berrysalix repenssalix capreasale in grosssalad burnetsaint jeromesaint georgesaint andrewsafety razorsacred lotussacral nervesabine riverrussian vinerummage salerubber stamproyal tennisrose of chinarose campionroller skaterocket saladrock sea bassriver thamesringed snakering diseaserhodes grassrhode islandreverse hangreverse gearresidual oilreserve bankresearch labrescue partyres judicatarenal pelvisred saundersred rat snakered goatfishred brigadesreading deskrapeseed oilrape suspectrana pipiensraison d'etreraising hellraisin breadraise a stinkrainy seasonrain bucketsradio sourceradial pulseracing skateracing shellquercus albaquarter restpurple avenspurple anisepunta arenaspulasan treepsi particleproducer gaspriscoan eonpress of sailpress agencyprayer shawlprayer beadsprairie starprairie soilprairie sagepowder flaskpotter's clayposter paintposter boardpostal orderpostal clerkportable sawpork sausagepitcher sagepinus cembrapieris rapaephrasal verbpeyer's patchpeter's glandpersian lambpersian irispersian gulfpepper steakpepper spraypepper saucepepper grasspearl oysterpaul robesonpast perfectpassero capepass catcherpas de quatreparson's noseparsley rootpars nervosaparasite yewpapoose rootp. p. von mauseroyster plantoverseas capoutsider artosage orangeos trapeziumos temporaleorder apodesorange toastorange grassorange daisyoral robertsoral fissureon one's guardnyquist ratenursing carenursing aidenumbers gamenorth by eastnoah websternewspaper adnews programnews articlenew year's daynew jerseyannever-say-dieneutron starnaval forcesnature studynapier's rodsnamib desertmystery playmustard treemustard seedmuscat grapemorris dancemornay saucemojave astermetric spacemesabi rangemedgar eversmeadow cressmattress padmaster classmass culturemasked shrewmartes foinamarshal saxemarket crossmarine corpsmarie stopesmare clausummanicure setmaltese liramal de la rosamail servicemagic squarelues venerealubber's marklouis the farlouis b. mayerlord's prayerlong measurelobster tartlobster taillitmus paperlisle threadligurian sealiberal artslesser scauplesser pandaleisure wearleeward sideleather soapleafy spurgeleaf mustardlaurel sumaclatin squarelateral passlast quarterlars onsagerlarge personlake st. clairlabrador seakorea straitkick starterkeep abreastkavir desertkatsura treekansas riverjosef albersjesuit's barkjasper johnsjane seymourjames ussherjames franckjames farmerjames barrieiris persicainside trackindian cressiceland sparhouse arresthorse radishhorse racinghorse cassiahorse aroundhook spannerhell raisinghearsay rulehearing lossharvest moonharvest miteharlan stonehare krishnahans zinsserhans fischerhand scannergustav hertzgunter grassground stateground snakegrey snappergrevy's zebragresham's lawgreasy spoongray snappergram's methodgrade schoolgrad studentgopher stategopher snakegoose greasegolden starsgolden asterglottis veragila monstergeorge masongenus surniagenus sonoragenus shoreagenus sciaragenus rivinagenus richeagenus rhyniagenus rhexiagenus rhapisgenus retamagenus resedagenus raphiagenus raffiagenus pyrolagenus priniagenus perseagenus parulagenus parkiagenus pagrusgenus oxyuragenus otariagenus nuphargenus neritagenus natrixgenus myricagenus mohriagenus merytagenus menuragenus martesgenus laurusgenus kirkiagenus jabirugenus hederagenus harpiagenus gynuragenus grewiagenus eroliagenus egeriagenus cynaragenus corixagenus cordiagenus caricagenus caranxgenus caprosgenus atropagenus arnicagenus arilusgenus arengagenus araneagenus aramusgenus araliagenus arabisgenus andiragenus acorusgenus achrasgenus acarusgastric veingas pressuregas gangrenegarter snakegarlic saucegarden snailganges rivergaius caesarfrench toastfrench sudanfranz mesmerfranz josephfrank stellafor instancefool's errandflash memoryflash camerafishing gearfirst sackerfireman's axefire stationfire marshalfinger lakesfinger grassfinal resultfigured bassfieri faciasfidel castrofescue grassfencer's maskfelis servalfeed steamerfechner's lawfavorite sonfast reactorfarmer's lungfalse returnfalse garliceuropean ashethel waterseternal resterica vagansenergy stateempire stateelops saurusejector seategeria densaedward puseyedgar vareseeastern timeeaster daisyeast germanyeast by northeast africanearth's crustearless sealearl russellearl marshaldwarf spurgedwarf hulseadust wrapperdry cleanersdrug of abusedress hangerdrain systemdragon's headdouble sharpdire straitsdevil's cigardennis gabordeems taylordeck of cardsdari persiandar es salaamdance masterdammar resindaisy cuttercyma reversacut-rate salecrystal mikecrested mynacream cheesecrash helmetcrash coursecow-nosed raycooper's hawkcold storagecluster beanclusia roseacloset dramacloset augercigar smokerchorus pedalcharles's lawcharles lambcharles greycharity casecesar chavezcereal grasscentre stagecenter stagecedar rapidscattle brushcatch phrasecat squirrelcaster sugarcase officercase historycarpet snakecarpet sharkcarpet grasscarnal abusecarbon steelcar sicknesscar boot salecaper spurgecape passerocape lobstercanis aureuscalves' livercalico astercaesar saladc major scalebutter daisyburnt siennabuffer statebuffel grassbuenos airesbrenner passbreast drillbrass monkeybramble bushbrake systembonnet sharkboar thistleblood streamblister packblack spruceblack personbitter saltsbismarck seabevel squareberber coastbenford's lawbella sombrabeggar's licebeaufort seabearer sharebearded sealbasket rummybaron listerbar sinisterbar absolutebanksia roseballet skirtbaker's yeastbaker's dozenbadger skunkbaby's breathautumn yearsautomeris ioauthor's nameatom smasheraspen poplarartaxerxes iarsenic acidarmed forcesarm exercisearies the ramarc cosecantalfred noyesaleppo grassalcaic versealbert speeralbert sabinalaska rangealaska cedaralarm systemair pressureair mattressair force israir embolismaerosol bombadriatic seaact superioracne rosaceaace of hearts
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