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10-Letter Words Containing: O,R,N

 (In Any Order)
There are 5,190 10 letter words, 826 10 letter phrases and 0 10 letter abbr's with O,R,N in.

Best Scoring 10 Letter Words With: O,R,N

30 nounn

• a short movement coming between the major sections of a symphony

• a short piece of instrumental music composed for performance between acts of a drama or opera

• a brief show (music or dance etc) inserted between the sections of a longer performance

30 verbv
Valid word for Scrabble US
29 verbv

• expel through adjuration or prayers

28 verbv

• To undergo pyrolysis.

• To decompose or transform a substance by subjecting it to heat.

28 verb, adjectivev, adj

• To speak or write using jargon.

• To convert into jargon; to express using jargon.

27 verb, adjectivev, adj
Valid word for Scrabble US
27 verbv

• To speak or write using jargon.

• To convert into jargon; to express using jargon.

26 nounn
Valid word for Scrabble US
26 nounn

• any of a group of compounds that are inactive precursors of enzymes and require some change (such as the hydrolysis of a fragment that masks an active enzyme) to become active

26 verbv
Valid word for Scrabble US
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Tip: Scrabble EU allows far more words than US! Also change the max length to see more words.

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Words (5190)
Phrases (826)
shah of iranrhone riverstone fruitepoxy resincoffee ringcrown jewelbronx cheerbrandy nosejohn napierbronze starpunk rockernobel prizetouring carlunar monthfree pardonscreen fontthorn applecanopic jarcygnus olorthin personhoney eatersingle propdragon treefully grownuss monitoredible cornlie dormantos frontaleground crewbacon stripline of workbone marrowmope aroundsun parlourready moneyfor certainground planbrent goosefor each onene'er-do-wellgrave moundground ruleput one oversteam organmale personblunder outword accentscarf jointair stationround anglecarpal bonecosta ricanmoral senseroll aroundwagon trainwoman haterhang aroundportion outbearer bondiron collarsmart moneybard of avonsewing roomsmart phoneround robinround shapeherman woukoscine birdjerome kernpot furnacejoin forcesaccount fortrain depotedna o'brienorder anuradead persongrand tetoniron pyritehorse graingrand totalrap sessionfolk singerbrown sauceradio noiseslave ownerbrown studyalmond treetorrid zonesick personsend aroundend productpower pointforcing outshoe stringhenry fondarich personlovers' knotagreed uponanchor ringgoing underanchor ropebrowned offgreen goodsbing crosbyopen letterdrop anchorsoluble rnalorenz hartstorm drainwrist jointoil painterbank robbernew york bayskin colourgood natureoutdoor mancargo linerrock islandguinea cornsimon peterj.r.r. tolkienlenten rosevena portaestrong galeindian cornbump aroundpass aroundcarbon copystrong suithenry moorewalk aroundsocial ranksword dancetrench coatrock pigeonlight brownhedge thornsaddle hornrock pythonnarrow boatnarrow downtrunk routefrench loafbrain tumorlabor painsboss aroundrowing boatactor's linein-your-faceupper boundwindsor tieworking daypaper moneyroy orbisonowen wisterforeign aidmove aroundnorse deityjohn drydenblock grantcurtain offspin aroundletter bondanne brontecanis majorbrunch coatvinca majorvinca minorhume cronynsand grousewine coolerone-man ruleraccoon dogvocal organpoker plantgenus mucordon marquischange formgenus dracoforty winksspinal cordsnow flurrylion's beardshrink fromchorus linecast aroundjohn irvingfront crawlchange overoregon pinehorace mannorange peelkidney wortringo starrhard knocksorange rindfront porchrun agroundfront toothcan of wormsprison cellcosa nostraocean linerhigh groundcannon firebaking formspoken wordshort pantsracing boatsong thrushauto racingriding bootspring frogtaking overonion breadpernyi mothriding cropjohn mcgrawbamboo fernjohn mercermount garmocone peppercrown daisypearl oniontrade unionboxing ringorganic lawdonut fryerranch housecanoe birchspring rollcanoe cedarcrown glassplant orderbarrel knotcalf ropingplant organwild orangemary mallonmorus nigraholy personlowland firmock orangegordon howehot springsmrs. simpsoncontract inextra pointhorn buttonjournal boxlooking fornero's crownrouge plantsnowy egretair cushionbean sproutbengal rosesnowy heroncommon reedcrown roastdirect loanprima donnabrant goosecommon roomget rollingandy warholbasset hornmess aroundcrown vetchstrand wolfcastor beannamoi rivercivil wrongarolla pinerenal colicretinal rodscreen doortouring skicommon rushhoney berrybond ratingminor scalerandom walkotter houndin both earsstrike downinvert soapjohn r. majorhoney crispuranium orechain armorgeorge sandline of fireground baitnegro peachroger baconground balllittle horndragon arumeton collarground bassto no degreengaio marshground beefgeorge townhorned poutglance overstrike zonedragon's eyeproper namegun controlmu neutrinoproper nounsun blockerjohn ruskinkalon tripaloll aroundcut cornershorned toadgenus vireobear down oncordon bleuration cardsour orangewaffle ironbonduc treemain coursemombin treenancy astorroger taneyrunning popconfer withon all foursotto wagnerpharaoh antgun for hirehere and nowyankee cornrobert owensecond gearchain storeconjure mandry masonryred campionsardine oilground fireemery stoneon approvalcroo monkeyrex begoniafishing rodni-hard ironspoon breadlemna minormarconi rigcow parsnipjunior highjob controltine harrowground loopwinter roseyard donkeyprize moneystony coralcar companyright alongperry masonground pineirish poundgarden hoseground pinkpiano makerjuan carlosmuck aroundportal veinrh antibodyrising trotfrozen foodground rentvital organpoor personground rosedance floorgender rolehome groundhorny layerlemon grasslemon grovenellie rosscommon wartpartner offpiano tunerjohn walkerline workerhog snapperhunker downoyster bankpowder hornpiping crowmodern fontfetter bonesugar spoonlemon sharkmanor houseground waveground zerostop numbercommon yearengine roombird of junoword findernear visionround danceswan orchidtowing ropemodern jazznoel cowardrain foresthonor guardlee trevinoribbon fernrattle downonyx marblerain shadowribbon treesailor kingtree cottonordeal beanrain showerribbon wormgarden toolcancer bodyrosa caninadirty moneybrown algaecownose rayparking lotdinner gownivory plantjerking offiron filingbrown bellsout of printround steakround tablefrig aroundswing voterbrown bettydollar signbrown breadfour-in-handgondola carantler mothword stringarctic zoneiron maidenleroi jonescurie pointarizona ashcontrol keyvienna rollamen cornerbrown hyenacontrol rodozone layerdanger zoneperson hourgrand operaamino groupsirloin tipgrand pianoamino resinnew orleanssex hormonehenri pitotfolk dancertenor voiceunbrako keylong peppercoil springcontact armpoint afterpropping uptongue fernbinary codewonder beanfrigid zonegabon francshoulder innicol prismsaint brunotorrey pinedorsal horntongue wormvirgin woolgi hormonesbrown snaillord nelsonrolling pinrose gardenmother's sonbrown sugaroptic nerverue anemonefreeze downtwin towersverbal nounbrown swisscoin silvernor'-nor'-eastnor'-nor'-westbrown troutdown easterwork animalpower plantgreen broomtorsion barhorse senseturn aroundlinger overlover's knotpower pylonvon blucherbefore longbridal gowntonic wateroil furnaceraisin mothroman a clefrose windowpope urban vking olivermiter jointking orangecorn cocklepetrol linedrawing offpink showercome aroundpower trainking proteacorn dodgerpetrol tankbrownie mixfore-and-aftlens cortexart nouveaunude personhouse organmoreton baydrop behindaerosol canlorenz okenopen secretsimmer downcorn glutenrock gardenu.s. congressone hundredvortex veinmorgan citycorn liquorrock gunnelroman deityhook wrenchcandy storecopper minecyano groupdaily roundsaone riverhammer noselocus nigercopper nosedeaf personmoney orderdot printercorn muffinrear windowfond regardskin doctorundreamt ofliving rocksimon marksgold pannerhickory nutboat racingplain flourfrench doorgirl wondergood persongreen olivebaton rougebrain coralcarbon atommineral oilpotato ferngreen oniongranny knotfinger bowlsenega rootfinger foodshower downgenus oryzagranola barguinea wormheron's billcitron treecorn spurryfinger holegrind organtwo hundredtrench footroman printhearing dogionic orderfrench horncotton roseouter rasonroman timessquare knotwater lemoncotton rushrowan vodkagenus sorexcorn whiskyfrench knotmouth organone percentnitro grouptool aroundbutton fernmeadow fernbegonia rexrock salmongrowth ringjohn ciardicoast rangemitre jointroad mendergolden agerand so forthnarrow walepiston ringhenry tudorbun rounderbutton treeremain downroad runnergain groundrowing clubsmoking carharpoon gunlabor unioncorned beefsenior highharpoon logworking dogdowny birchlongar palmdowny bromeclover fernhand blowerboston fernworking manmonte carlomotor nerveroy wilkinsfair groundworking outorphan sitepaper rounde. o. lawrencering armourteton rangefrench rooffunny storytaret organtundra soilbroken archherring hogkick aroundoral cancerknob celerybroken homebus networkcoat hangerruth fultonsadi carnotgolden fernspin doctorbroken windcorner kickpinot grapesand dollarbuffer zonenight courtcongo francjazz aroundcorner postricin toxinfood turnercanis minornight herondowsing rodgolden gramgand flowercongo riverhand mirrorjohn floriovinca roseabaron clivepeyton roussand hoppercraft unionbungee cordcarson cityfool aroundraccoon foxcanker soregenus morusknock rummymark antonytanbark oakmark of cainsnow blowergibson girlgooney birdland reformgrade pointteres minornews reportcor anglaiscoumara nutkiddie pornrein orchidnorth korearein orchisramon llullrotary wingus congressramon lullycast anchorcolour linegolden raintravel irontuning forkoregon lilyraster fontgolden rulekaffir cornnoun phrasepore fungusrood screenfront benchbeacon firepolar frontprone floatsnow orchidinner rasonbring aboutsolar monthlower boundroof gardengenus lorissolar panelmill aroundlatin crossbring forthporing oversense organgolden startarsal bonejean harlowcrow nationangora goatold countrygenus duriomaiden overyukon riverorange sodaprison campfront vowelblood donormoon aroundocean floorone-year-oldpeanut wormsperm countorange treeplay aroundprison farmbring roundmoon carrotocean perchorgan donorconic morelcoral snakegenus beroesonata formwater wagonorange zestprison termirving howelook aroundold frisianconic verpasound truckgros ventrebombing runmarket towndog's dinnerdonkey cartarchean eonsurety bondindigo birdvinyl groupcontour mappush aroundtoper's nosecoffee fernstone cressclog dancerno-par stockgreg normandonner passstone drill
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