Eugene Sheffer Answers - Saturday, 25th January 2025 There are 34 across clues and 32 down clues for the Eugene Sheffer crossword on Saturday, 25th January 2025. View the answers below.. Also try..All Eugene Sheffer AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: “Chocolat” actorDEPPAAcross 5: Audio giantBOSEAAcross 9: PruneLOPAAcross 12: Antioxidant berryACAIAAcross 13: EggOVUMAAcross 14: — budgetONAAAcross 15: Plumbing problemDRIPAAcross 16: FirstiesDIBSAAcross 17: TiVo precursorVCRAAcross 18: FoolproofSUREAAcross 19: Sch. URL enderEDUAAcross 20: Borscht baseBEETAAcross 21: Sailing hazardFOGAAcross 23: — VictorRCAAAcross 25: Daughter of MuhammadFATIMAAAcross 28: LynxBOBCATAAcross 32: “West Side Story” roleANITAAAcross 33: Prefix meaning “water”HYDROAAcross 34: Ocean bottomsDEPTHSAAcross 36: Grapevine talkGOSSIPAAcross 37: Chow downEATAAcross 38: “— was saying ...”ASIAAcross 39: ScoffJEERAAcross 42: Half of bi-UNIAAcross 44: SodTURFAAcross 48: Napoleon’s title (Abbr.)EMPAAcross 49: Mideast gulfADENAAcross 50: VerifiableTRUEAAcross 51: Brit. record labelEMIAAcross 52: Get upRISEAAcross 53: PerimeterEDGEAAcross 54: Lobbyists’ org.PACAAcross 55: PitchTOSSAAcross 56: Reddish brownRUSTDDown 1: June honoreesDADSDDown 2: BeigeECRUDDown 3: Two of a kindPAIRDDown 4: Specialist in the heating/cooling industryPIPE FITTERDDown 4: Specialist in the heating/cooling industryPIPEFITTERDDown 5: Grocery storeBODEGADDown 6: Roman poetOVIDDDown 7: Outlying areaSUBURBDDown 8: Ambulance lettersEMSDDown 9: Zero, in tennisLOVEDDown 10: FormerlyONCEDDown 11: SectionPARTDDown 20: Date night hireBABY-SITTERDDown 20: Date night hireBABYSITTERDDown 22: D-Day beachOMAHADDown 24: Some Pacific salmonCOHOSDDown 25: Passing crazeFADDDown 26: ChemicalsuffixANEDDown 27: GratuityTIPDDown 29: LP successorsCDSDDown 30: NPR’s ShapiroARIDDown 31: PinnacleTOPDDown 35: Recording siteSTUDIODDown 36: Olympic swimmer RowdyGAINESDDown 39: “M*A*S*H” vehicleJEEPDDown 40: Tennis star RaducanuEMMADDown 41: Grand taleEPICDDown 43: Legendary lochNESSDDown 45: Language of PakistanURDUDDown 46: CarpetsRUGSDDown 47: Shoe fillersFEETDDown 49: IllustrationsART